The name is a little funny. I’m not saying I am “worthy of Zion” but rather I am on a path to Zion. I desire to be worthy of entering Zion.

A few years ago, I started to really contemplate my life. I questioned my purpose and everything along that line of thinking. My life felt stagnant, and I have felt something was missing.

I was reading a book one day. It was called Journey to the Veil Vol I & II by John Pontius. If you have not read his books, they are wonderful. As I read, remember this lightbulb turning on. I want to be worthy to enter Zion. No matter what happens in life, the good the bad or the ugly, I want to be “worthy of Zion”.

I decided to go look up this John Pontius to see who he was. I found his blog called UnBlogMySoul. I found out that he had passed away from cancer. I started reading some of the posts. One of the very first posts was a summary of what had taken place and a call to blog. Well, I felt in my heart I should follow that call to blog. I figured I could write about this desire to be worthy to enter Zion. I could write about some experiences I have had. I could write about my gospel studies.

Honestly, I don’t care if a soul in the world reads this. I’m not a writer, scriptorian, or philosopher. Infact, one of my greatest weaknesses is writing. But I do hope, that I will communicate by the holy spirit and if there is anything of value God will use it for his purposes.


Taken from the UnBlogMySoul website


It’s also time for another blog to step forward. A blog which — as Elder Bednar stated at an August, 2014 BYU Campus Education Week — sweeps “the earth with messages filled with righteousness and truth—messages that are authentic, edifying, and praiseworthy.”

That blog…is yours!

That’s right — if you are already blogging about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, fantastic! If not, then I join with Elder Bednar in inviting you to no longer light a candle and put it under a bushel (Matthew 5:15), but to “arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations” (D&C 115:5). Please give this some serious, prayerful consideration.

You may be tempted to feel like you can’t do your own blog. Maybe you’re not a writer, you don’t have time, or you don’t know anything about blogging. I can relate; I didn’t feel I could, either.

Technically, there are ample Youtube videos to show you how to start and maintain your own free WordPress or Blogger blog.

Spiritually, you have an apostle of the Lord promising you profound blessings by sharing your voice online (especially read the last two paragraphs of Elder Bednar’s talk). And with the strength of the Son of God giving light and lift to your words, over time, He will help your online testimonies soar to heights that will astound you and inspire others. Of this I can testify.

The Lord will also bring experiences to your recollection which will provide you with content ideas. Simultaneously, He will often lead people to your blog, where they will read your posts, contact you and exclaim, “You have no idea how much I really needed your post today!” It may take some time, but never despair — it will happen.

He’ll also bring resources and people into your life, as He did mine, to help you easily clear any technical and content-related hurdle. The obstacles Satan will erect in your way are but illusions on your God-ordained path.

About Me the Author

My name is Michael Priddis. I live in Cedar Hills, Utah.