NYNYS Mission April 11-13, 1997

April 11, 1997, Friday

[…] We couldn’t have a Zone Meeting in the church because they were cleaning the carpets. […] So we left. We had an appointment with a girl named Brenda, a beautiful young lady from Santa Domingo.  At her home, we waited for her and she came out. I was going to stand up and shake her hand.  She came from behind me as I stood up turning around. She bent down to do the kiss-on-the-cheek thing and surprise, surprise, our lips almost met.  It tripped me out hard and did not help that she was so beautiful. I hurried and just did the kiss-on-the-cheek thing.  My blood was pumping and I could hardly speak. 

April 12, 1997,  Saturday

Well, it rained. […] I went on splits down to Brownsville and they all juked.  But, we sat and listened to Fidel sing and dance. He played merengue and bachata, really loud. He has a huge stereo in his home.  It’s mad phat. 

April 13, 1997, Sunday

Well, [Elder] and I fasted for a family today, Janira and her 2 kids.  They juked us at church.  We also fasted for 7 baptisms.  Well, we only got 6.  So now we’re at 24. Only 10 away from the record and I pray we’ll get that next Sunday.  So we’re trying.  Oh and 16 away from 40.  It would be nice to be the 2nd zone ever to get over 40.  […]  

Well, it was cool.  I went to get all of our gators, Brenda a girl we fearlessed.  I went to her home at 8:30 AM and her dad said just a minute.  Her mom said, just a minute.  Her dad said she was unable to attend. [I said, we] have a meeting […].  I didn’t come to teach.  I came to take her to church.  Go wake her up, she wants to go.  She came to the door [and said], I’m sick.  I’m like, so, let’s go.  I’ll give you a Tylenol.  She said she took one.  I’m like, how long do you need [to get ready].  15 min or 20 min?    OK.  We’ll wait here for you. She had no choice.  Then I said, look.  I promise you, if you come, your headache will go away.  So, we went and she loved it. She was filled with joy.  You could see it in her face and actions.   And she wanted to go to the temple.  Wow.  I hope all goes well. We’re going to wait till next Sunday to do it.