Esdras Eagle Theory

I was listening to Morgan Philpot talk about Esdras Eagle in his latest speech given in Spring City. At around the [02:20:00] mark, he starts talking about it. In the conversation, he brings up a guy called the “Manti Homestead” on YouTube who has a theory that Donald Trump and DJ Vance are feathers 5&6 and explains why.

It perked my interest. There are some theories I have heard that are such nonsense I immediately discard them. This one, however, caused me to pause and wonder. Here are a few key points…

  • Three Heads (Democrat Party, Deep State, Republican Party)
  • Who is more powerful? Maga or GOP; Maga is.
  • Two fly over the right head and are saved for the end [2 Esdras 11:23-24].
    • Nephite comparison (two feathers saved, Lachonius and Lachonius Junior 3 Nephi 1-6)
  • 3 – Donald Trump [2 Esdras 11:25]
  • 4 – Joe Biden [2 Esdras 11:26]
  • 5

2 Esdras 11:23-35

[23] and nothing remained on the eagle’s body except the three heads that were at rest and six little wings.
[24] And I looked, and behold, two little wings separated from the six and remained under the head that was on the right side; but four remained in their place. [Who is this?]
[25] And I looked, and behold, these little wings planned to set themselves up and hold the rule.
[26] And I looked, and behold, one was set up, but suddenly disappeared; [Trump]
[27] a second also, and this disappeared more quickly than the first. [Biden]
[28] And I looked, and behold, the two that remained were planning between themselves to reign together;
[29] and while they were planning, behold, one of the heads that were at rest (the one which was in the middle) awoke; for it was greater than the other two heads. [Deep State / Cabal / Executive Branch]
[30] And I saw how it allied the two heads with itself, [Democrat / Republican]
[31] and behold, the head turned with those that were with it, and it devoured the two little wings which were planning to reign. [All three heads did it]
[32] Moreover this head gained control of the whole earth, and with much oppression dominated its inhabitants; and it had greater power over the world than all the wings that had gone before. [Deep State / Cabal / Executive Branch]
[33] And after this I looked, and behold, the middle head also suddenly disappeared, just as the wings had done.
[34] But the two heads remained, which also ruled over the earth and its inhabitants.
[35] And I looked, and behold, the head on the right side devoured the one on the left. [Democrat / Republican]

Condemnation of the beast [3 headed eagle, wings, talons, etc. 36-46]

2 Esdras 12:2-3

[2] and behold, the remaining head disappeared. And the two wings that had gone over to it arose and set themselves up to reign, and their reign was brief and full of tumult. [Who are they? They are after the fall of the Democrats, Deep State, and Republicans]
[3] And I looked, and behold, they also disappeared, and the whole body of the eagle was burned, and the earth was exceedingly terrified. Then I awoke in great perplexity of mind and great fear, and I said to my spirit, [Fall of America]

  • An Eagle does not eat its own feathers. Instead, it tries to pick it out.
  • In 2020; the three heads [Deep State, Democrats, Republicans] don’t want Trump to win.
  • 2020 Trump tries to win; creates an insurrection, he is prosecuted for numerous crimes, hundreds are incarcerated for attempting to murder Nancy Pelosi (the Princess of America) [Plucked out by all three; Deep State, Democrats, Republicans]
  • 2024 Biden tries to run; on the eve of the election they decide he’s not good enough and they stick Kamal Harris in. [Plucked out by Democrats]
  • 2024 Left head destroyed in the election – so bad far left pundits are trying to make amends with Trump
  • Deep State is afraid because of who Trump is nominating. [Gaetz; Musk & DOGE]
  • Government dies at home [Washington DC]
  • The left head is severed by the right head
  • The right head falls but he sword for making an enemy of the final 2 feathers

If you stop and think about it, Trump is a disruptor. He does not fit the mold of any previous president. He is not part of the system. No one in the system likes him. Both parties and the Deep State want him gone. He is threatening to decapitate the Deep State through the Department of Government Efficiency [DOGE] which would kill the government by taking away vast amounts of funding and power.


A brief explanation of the prophecy by Esdras.

  • Where did Esdras Eagle come from?
  • Why was it taken from the bible?
  • Where is it found? In the Apocrypha.

Joe Biden stepping down and endorsing Kamala Harris.

  • We have been waiting for Joe Biden to be taken out of office.
  • Election integrity – Joe Biden’s spike in the middle of the night
  • Conspiracy Theories
  • Joe Biden was forced out

Interesting theory. If Trump lost the election on Election night with the infamous spike in votes in the middle of ht night. Then Joe Biden needs to be removed before that. Which happened when he won the primary but was removed as the candidate about three months before the election. That would equate to “more quickly than the first”.

Election Follow Up

  • The election was stolen from the left.
  • No one wanted Kamala, not even Democrats
  • Your choice was taken away
  • Election vote trends indicate 2020 election fraud by Democrats [I agree]
  • Explanation of Esdras Eagle
  • Biden was quoted as saying only God could get him out of the race. 10 days later he was out.
  • [00:08:00] The awakening of the Eagle Head that plucks the two who would rule (a little different than what was said above)
  • The Deep state has control over the world.
  • Trump set up judges that overturned Roe vs Wade; which allowed agency across all 50 states.
  • 29 States have already legalized abortion
  • In the last election, 7 of 10 states voted for abortion rights
  • The end of the Eagle.
  • If this prophecy is about America, we have not done good things.

The only way America can prosper is with God. Members of the church know and understand how sacred this land is.


I think the key takeaways from Morgan Philpot and Manti Homestead are…

  1. The idea that Trump is potentially feathers numbers 3, 5, and 1. I never thought of it that way. Clearly, at this point, he is at least 3 and 5.
  2. The idea that the prosecution of Trump was a feather being plucked and the rejection of Kamala was a feather being plucked.
  3. Trump was cut short on election night in November, and Biden was cut short earlier when he stepped down in July. That seems to fit.
  4. The eagle heads are the Democrats, Deep State, and Republicans. It is also a theory that fits.
  5. The number of states choosing abortion is the voice of the people choosing evil over good. They voted for it.