How Did I Do This Week? November 16, 2024

I made a video talking about this yesterday. My phone was buggy, so I had to break it up into a few videos. I’ll include the video here.


I must be doing okay; I made a video.

Honestly, the whole video thing has been hard to start. I feel dumb, I look fat, my background sucks, my recording and editing process isn’t great, my glasses look crooked, and my mouth is doing something funny on one side. I have a bunch of reasons not to do it, but I did it anyway. Oh well.

Once I overcome those doubts, I realize I also need to defend my positions, not say anything stupid, and know what I’m talking about. I’m not afraid to share my thoughts, but I know there are many people far smarter than me. I’m not trying to come across as an intellectual. Some things just make sense to me and fit together like a puzzle. Other things, I feel deeply in my soul. I’m not afraid to share those.


The other morning, I woke up at 2:30 AM. I got up and started working. While I was working, out of the blue, I had the thought, “Go to the temple.” I thought about it, but I didn’t really want to. Instead, I was focused on my heavy workload. I wanted to get some work done while relaxing in my warm, comfortable home. I believe it had also been raining and snowing that night.

In short, I didn’t go.

I’ve thought about this a dozen times over the last week. Why was I so stubborn? Why didn’t I just go? There are half a dozen temples near me. I easily could have gone to one and still made it to work on time.

I can’t say I got any extra work done that day. It was simply a busy day, like all the others. All I walked away with was a memorable regret.

My journey to be “Worthy of Zion” is primarily a path to be worthy of the blessings of God—a path of faith and repentance. But even more so, it is a path of learning to feel and recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Do I know His voice? When He speaks, will I follow?

I think I proved this week that I need more practice.


I received a phone call this week from an old friend. She worked for me many years ago, and then we started a business together. The business didn’t last long for various reasons, and after parting ways, we didn’t stay in close contact.

Lately, I’ve been more cautious about what I do. In the past, I’ve chased every idea I’ve had, trying to create a successful business. But each time, when I was in the thick of it, I realized I was running blind, with no direction or confirmation that I was on the right path for me.

So, I decided I would only do those things I feel prompted to do. Starting a business can take a tremendous amount of time, energy, and resources. Now she’s asking me to help her with her business. I felt something while talking to her, so I’m going to investigate it and see where it leads. Time will tell.


“If you have felt the influence of the Holy Ghost today, you may take it as a sweet evidence that the atonement is working in your life.” Henry B Eyring Come Unto Christ BYU Devotional


Like always, I could do better. I didn’t fast this last week at all. I’ve done OK reading and praying, but I have noticed that I have not had any deep prayers and I can feel it. I have been super overwhelmed at work. I didn’t imagine being this overwhelmed, but I have been. It has made it hard to do this blog and many other things. I know things will shift in the next month or so. So, not too bad.