NYNYS Mission March 1-6, 1997

I’m going to add a few notes. I really had some dramatic ups and downs the first year and a half of my mission. In Dyker Heights, things really started to turn around. If my memory serves me well, I hit my top gear the next few months of my mission. Brownsville then East New York (a second time), then back to Dyker Heights (a second time) the last month of my mission.

Why was Brownsville called the Dead Zone? The story goes (I could be off a little), one day a general authority was driving through Brooklyn with the mission president. While driving through Brownsville the general authority turned to the mission president and said, the spirit is not here. I don’t want any missionaries serving here. All the missionaries were pulled out. It was ultimately labeled the Dead Zone. There were funny sayings passed around the mission about baptizing a family that lived in the Dead Zone. How hungry to baptize are you? Are you willing to go into the Dead Zone to baptize?

Having served there, I can validate it was rough. There were some scary things. There are crazy things. There were incredibly sad things. But it was amazing!

I don’t know how long missionaries were pulled out of this area. My new companion was in the first companionship to return to this area. I remember my first day with him, he told me we go home every day at dark. I’m grateful to him and his courage because we didn’t do that. We stayed out and worked, hard. It was a roller coaster.

Here is a list of the most dangerous neighborhoods in NYC. This list is interesting because so many of the neighborhoods that are bad today were bad then also. First on the list is Brownsville.


  • Brownsville (Served)
  • East Harlem
  • Bedford-Stuyvesant
  • Mott Haven
  • Hunts Point
  • East New York (Served)
  • Fordham
  • Tremont
  • Jamaica (Served)
  • South Bronx

March 1, 1997

Well, l went to the dentist today.  I need to go back in 2 weeks to get a root canal.  Yippy.  Well, we also talked to some really cool people and might have people at church today.  I’m pumped.  While we were up in Queens, we went and saw Javier, Maklene, Sheenece, and their mom… I forgot her name.  They’re cool. I love them, they got baptized right after I left from there.  […]

Well, what else happened today?  We had a complaint filled out against us that we are too familiar with [some girls]  That’s what you get with hot Dominican Chicks.  Hey, but everyone needs to be a member.  We went by their home last night and had an FHE.  It was interesting.   […]

Oh ya, I was eating a chile and it was so hot so I broke it up and put it in my beans. Hermana Guzman said, “Be careful and wash your hands with soap before you touch your face.”  I forgot.  During the prayer, I rubbed my eyes with my fingers. By the end of the prayer, I couldn’t open my eyes.  So, Hermana took me into the kitchen and flushed out my face with water.  I washed my hands and she made me eat a lemon with salt all over it.  Blaugh. She said it would help.  Well, about 15 minutes later it went away.  Lucky me.  It sucks to not be able to open your eyes and see.  Or have it hurt to open your eyes.  Oh well, at least it isn’t permanent. 

March 2, 1997, Sunday

Well, I don’t know what to say.  Church was nice. We worked hard. We got a lot of people there.  Ad… I forgot her name.  But, we are working on having 3 or 4 more baptisms Tuesday. Wow, wouldn’t that be nice?  Very.  Well, we didn’t have any baptism today but we got home and [Elder] got called as a ZL and [Elder] as a DL.  Hum. Wow, they must have had to think a while about that second one.  It must have been to try to fire him up.  He doesn’t do anything. He’s lazy and has no drive. Does Not lead. […] I’ve got a new song.  I just need words.  That’s 5 songs, 2 with words.  

March 3, 1997, Monday

Well, calls came. I’m going to Brownsville, Brooklyn. This is the Dead Zone.  Wow, can you believe that?  I’m not totally knowing what to expect.  I’m a little scared and then again, I’m trying to be tough.  Man, you just don’t know.  We tried to baptize a few people before I left, but nope.  

March 4, 1997, Tuesday

Well, I packed and went to see a few of the people here.  Nice.  It’s all about at Abreu’s. Frank asked me, “Have you ever been beat up on your mission?”  Right when I’m going to Brownsville.  Wow, I’m not really pumped about that.  But, it’s all cool.  I’m really pumped to baptize and know I will baptize there.  Hermana Guzman gave me a free shirt and Marianna Abreu gave me nail polish and nail care stuff. She says she won’t date a guy who doesn’t take care of his nails. […]  That crazy girl. 

March 5, 1997, Wednesday

Well, I got packed and got to Brownsville. Wow, all I expected but it’s a little different than I expected. During the day, I don’t have problems, but at night. Humm. That’s a different story. I’m bugging thinking there are people behind every corner.  Wow, but there are Spanish.  [Elder – my companion], he’s really chill. And very easy-going guy.  Very nice. 

March 6, 1997, Thursday. 

Well, it’s a new day and a new area.  Ya, I’m pumped.  I like it. We saw Miss America today.  I fearlessed her on the train.  […] Wow, is she beautiful.  […]   We saw a girl who can be baptized soon. Probably this Sunday, that will be nice.  At a new member’s home, we met her father and he’s the bomb.  They are all from Panama.  […] Girls dress so bad here. […]
