General Conference Review

Wow, what a great general conference! I nearly watched every talk and came away with several key takeaways. I’m excited to read through the talks again and refine my thoughts. There were some overarching themes that really resonated with me.

Repentance: Many talks emphasized the importance of repentance. I noticed this message echoed in at least a dozen talks. I truly believe that daily repentance is essential.

Keep It Simple: I was inspired by Elder Eyring’s message to keep the gospel simple. There are so many voices out there that complicate things. While I enjoy the content on YouTube, it often seems like there’s a race to delve into the deeper, more controversial gospel topics, and that doesn’t sit right with me. I’ve always loved teaching Primary because I appreciate simple gospel truths. I’ve also written and illustrated many children’s books focused on simple concepts. Elder Cook also touched on this regarding anti-Mormon literature—there’s no need to engage with that if you already know the church is true. I’ve personally explored those topics and sources, and I don’t feel any better for having done so.

The Next 10 Years: Elder Stevenson’s message, along with President Nelson’s, serves as a stark reminder of the times we are living in. These will be trying days, but what an incredible opportunity we have. Out of all of God’s children, of all the children of the covenant, we were chosen to be here. What a blessing! I believe the Lord will return quickly, and I’ve long thought it might be between 2033 and 2034—that’s just ten years away.

My favorite talk of the entire conference was by Elder Karl D. Hirst. It focused on God’s love and how He cherishes broken things. I’ve always loved Kenneth Cope’s song about broken things, but there was something truly special about the way Elder Hirst crafted his message. I was in awe as I listened, reflecting on how many of the most beautiful songs have been written by gifted British artists who have a knack for expressing thoughts so perfectly in lyrics. This talk resonated with my soul like a musical masterpiece.

Pride: Elder Bednar’s talk highlighted how many people today walk after their own hearts. They are in pursuit of individual uniqueness, but in the pursuit of “living your truth,” they abandon God and defile their temple. Pride leads us away from God. In a sense it says; I know better than God. The purpose of this life is to choose to follow God’s commandments. Will we choose to be His children?

I was excited to hear several talks that aligned with my blog, Becoming Worthy of Zion. One talk, in particular, discussed the power to change. We can overcome our weaknesses by aligning ourselves with God, who has the ability to transform our hearts.

Throughout the entire conference, I felt a profound sense of peace—an assurance that the Lord is aware of us and loves us. These are incredible times to be alive, and we will witness the greatest manifestations of God’s power and love in our lifetimes. I felt this witness strongly as I listened. Some may see the church as a burden, believing its rules weigh heavily on its members, but that is not the case. Having lived on both sides, I can attest that the peace and comfort that come from living the gospel far outweigh the mindless wandering after our your own heart.

Overall, I did my best to sit through as many sessions as possible, and I truly enjoyed it. Over the next few days, I plan to create some memes featuring my favorite quotes.