NYNYS Mission February 15-21, 1997

February 15, 1997, Saturday

Well, we had a huge Zone Meeting today and President Bailey came to do interviews.  I didn’t get one. […]  Then I went to Midwood for a District Meeting for the ZL’s.  Then I […] had to leave it all to my comp to take care of everything for me.  He’s good though.  He needs the experience.  

February 16, 1997,  Sunday

Well, we slaved all morning trying to get to church with some people.  And we got juked but we decided to go to the Church and see if our gators showed up and they didn’t.  So there was a girl there with a member family and my companion had talked to her the week before.  But she wouldn’t let us teach her until this week.  So [Elder ZL] was at church before us and got to her and said it was his gator.  […]  She’s cool.  I felt the Spirit so strong with her.  […]  She will be a member.  Then we went out teaching.  The ZL’s were a little pissed [at us]. 

February 17, 1997, Monday 

Well, we had a Leadership Meeting today and oh wow.  The big thing was [a quote I made up about putting that which is most valuable to you on the table]  Well, the whole mission knows about it now.  And even President Bailey talked about it. […]  Well, we got back and had a problem with [Elder].  He wanted to take the whole day off. Oh no. So, I had to take him on a split […]  I love this work. […]

February 18, 1997, Tuesday.  

Well, I didn’t get a Valentine, so I went and bought myself one. […] I bought chocolates. But, ya, we had a very successful day, so I felt.  The other day my dad called early.  Wow, that was a surprise.  I talked to him for a little while. […]

February 19, 1997, Wednesday

Well, I’ve got a cold.  A little one.  And we went to East New York today.  […]

Well, the continuing saugus of Elder Priddis.  All our gators juked.  […]  So my companion and I went out and we were definitely led by the spirit.  We went to the Church.  I ended up figuring out the church that Mariana’s friend goes to.  This girl loved the church and the Book of Mormon. [She] read like 100 pages of the Book of Mormon.  Wow, she got grounded for going to church because she had to take her sister to their Pentecostal church.  Dang sucks.  Well, 3 weeks later tonight we didn’t have any appointments. We couldn’t stay at the church without people, so we looked up a few referrals and nothing. Then we stood on this corner for a while and I remembered her church.  We found it because I knew her home.  We went there trying to tracked her out, I saw a letter with the church address on it.  I knew that was it.  We went to the church and went in. [A group of people] were blessing some guy by putting their hands all over him, on his chest and back. They were screaming [and chanting].  Weird [after the blessing] they invited his girlfriend to share her feelings.  Then [the pastor] looked at us and I said we’re just visiting.  But, I’d love to share my testimony of Jesus Christ.  And I did.  I taught about God, Jesus Christ, Prophets, the Holy Ghost, Joseph Smith, the First Vision.  When I got there it was a hostile wild atmosphere. When I got up, I felt power.  And when I spoke, I felt peace, fire, love, and everything settled down.  Wow, I loved it. Oh ya, by the way, Mariana’s friend Xiomara [that may be spelled wrong] was there.  After I shared the Joseph Smith principle my mind went blank and I ended and sat down. […] It rocked harder than KBER 101. […]

February 20, 1997, Thursday

Well, we got breakfast at Herman […] home then taught some cool people.  One was very very good.  Victoria.  Wow, was I surprised about her. She even fed us.  How awesome. Then we ate at Abreu’s.  Man, I hope all changes for them. That life can get a little easier for them. 

February 21, 1997, Friday

Well, Mariana’s friend is pissed at her and me for going and preaching in her church.  Opps.  Well, Mariana went on splits with us tonight.  We got there to get her 1 ½ hours late.  She was a little [upset].  Oh well. She had fun with us. We went by another Pentecostal church [but the pastor] bugged out and made us leave […]