NYNYS Mission January 27-31, 1997

January 27, 1997, Monday

Wow, I just wish I had time to say everything   But, we went to a baptism and that was the highlight.  No actually, the highlight was my convert calling me and me having to tell her that she needs to keep her pants on until she is married.  She finally accepted it.  

January 28, 1997, Tuesday

[Convert] had a dream last night that she lost her virginity. So she’s not going to her make-out party this week. I think Satan is really trying them because they are going to go to the temple next week.  Then her best friend who’s a lesbian called her out of the blue today and told her she loved her.  They’ve been friends for like 7 years and just now she comes out and says this just when she tries to go to the temples.   And [Another Convert], she had a friend take her to another church, and then she got invited again. But she’s not going to go. I hope and pray all goes well for them.  

January 29, 1997, Wednesday

[…] I’m pissed at my companion for some reason. […] I’ve got a bone to pick with him. There it’s picked. […]  We went out to eat with Aida today. Opps and forgot to invite the other elders. My bad.  

January 30, 1997, Thursday

Well, we both know it.  I’m not perfect. Oh well.  […]  Today sucked.  Were’ down to crap.  Oh well.  

January 31, 1997, Friday

[…] I’m just so exhausted that I can’t do anything. […] We went to pick up our baptism. We worked him on the way to the church but we got there 1 ½ hours late. He [also] got home from work late. All the trains broke or were delayed.  And then the ZL’s didn’t pass him. I think ½ of that is [ZL] didn’t want us to have more baptisms than him.  Oh well.  Sometimes he can be like that.  [He’s} got to be the best. We’re both tied at 2.  Boy, it’s hard to get up at 6:30 when you crash at 11:30 PM or 12:00 AM.  And you’re tired the rest of the day. I don’t understand how we couldn’t baptize more people.  We tried. we tried so hard.  I’m literally exhausted.  Blaugh.  We only got ½ of our goal.