Glenn Beck – Michael Rush – Esdras Eagle

I heard this interview was going to happen. I haven’t been listening to Glenn Beck because I have abandoned talk radio. When I made a shift to stop focusing on “politics” and start focusing on “religion”, talk radio was something that was left behind. Naturally, Glenn Beck was left behind with it.

Glenn has a national audience, so it is fascinating to think this interview about Esdras Eagle would be heard by so many people. He has this discussion with Michael Rush, the man who discovered the prophecy written in 2nd Esdras in the Apocrypha.

There were a few things that surprised me. One of the sections that surprised me was regarding the “two feathers that thought to rule.” Michael Rush suggested that those two feathers could be both Harris and Trump. I made the suggestion in an earlier post that it could be a president and vice president ticket of one party. That theory of mine would stretch things out assuming the vice president would be the candidate for president in the next election or should the president not fill their term.

I thought about it after he suggested it and it made sense. If two conspired thinking to themselves to be the ruler, it makes sense that it is two candidates and there are only 3 in this election. Only two have a real chance. [Harris, Trump, Kenndy] Kenndy is funny because of JFK, RFK, and JFK Jr. There have been some issues with the Kennedy family. It is believed JFK was assassinated by the CIA. If they were both stopped, there would not be a president. I simply can’t see enough people voting for Kennedy as a third-party nominee being able to win. It would be more likely to have a disputed election made void or held up in courts.

If this was the case, the eagle head would be made known. Is it a 3-letter agency? Is it a person? We don’t know. But if it stopped one candidate from taking office as the president, it would be known.

Over and over again, Michael Rush insinuates that the short feathers are those who the government takes out. Then Glenn points out that it recently was disclosed that the CIA was behind Nixon and Watergate. All of this started with Herbert Hoover and the League of Nations before Franklin D Roosevelt [FDR].

I looked around. That isn’t a rabbit hole I want to go down. But, let’s include some dates and important events that took place for time reference. It seems that “The League of Nations” is important to this and it could be related to the United Nations and and ultimate One World Government which we are anticipated to have around 2030.

  • League of Nations 1920-1946
    • The League of Nations (1920 – 1946) was the first intergovernmental organization established “to promote international cooperation and to achieve international peace and security”. It is often referred to as the “predecessor” of the United Nations.
  • Herbert Hoover 1929-1933
    • Black Friday / Stock Market Crash 1929
    • Great Depression 1929-1939
  • Franklin D Rosevelt 1933-1946
    • The New Deal / Social Safety Net 1933-1938
    • WWII 1939-1945
    • Social Security 1935
  • United Nations 1945
  • CIA started in 1947
  • DOD started in 1949

It is completely possible that the Cabal we know today or a secret combination within our federal government started around that time. We don’t know the names and faces of those who are behind the scenes, but we know they are influencing many things.

Look at our government today. Ever since Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race, he might as well not even be president. He is invisible. He doesn’t seem to be running the country, yet the country keeps moving. We are making military decisions, we are making economic decisions, we are making national security decisions, we are making international decisions… but it isn’t Joe Biden doing it. They have one presidential candidate tied up in so many lawsuits he can’t even run for office. Headlines state he could be in prison by the middle of next month. They seem to be warming up the public for that likelihood. The other candidate is being coordinated without even being asked a question.

Over and over Michael Rush insinuated that the prophecy focused on the Cabal, Deep State, or Secret Combination within our government. They were involved in JFK. They were involved in Nixon. They will be involved in what plays out this year. It also makes you wonder which elections they did have a hand in. Who did they put in office? I think we may look back one day and realize we have been being played for some time.