Theological Debates

I came across a video on YouTube the other night. It was some dude who was asking people to debate him. Sure enough some Latter Day Saint returned missionary decided that he was up to the challenge. I listened to 10 seconds of it and could tell you that it wasn’t a wise decision on the RM’s part. I’m not sure what denomination this guy was but he was clearly well-versed in the Bible and Mormonism, and he was going to beat this RM into submission with his superior intellect and debate skills.

I’m not a good debater. I don’t have a photographic memory. I’m not quick on my toes. I am slow of speech. I’ve had enough theological debates or arguments in the past to know it does no good to have them. Often times the person has other motives and or they have deep convictions they are unwilling to budge on. I’m not going to convince them they are wrong. Besides that, arguing doesn’t convert people to the truth.

I remember on my mission, we were often confronted by people who wanted to debate. There was one group we called Hebrew Israelites. One night while walking down a dark street, one of these guys stepped out of a dark shadow and confronted us on the street. I remember it was nighttime and he was wearing dark clothes and dark sunglasses. He stood in front of us and abruptly asked, “What color is Jesus?” I said, “I don’t know.” He followed up with, “I’m being serious, what color is Jesus?” I said, “I don’t know, he could be purple for all I know.” He then began to educate us on the lineage of Jesus and how it proved he was a black man. His argument was based on birthright lineage and what he argued deviated from the bible.

I had these experiences a few times. I had previously tried to engage with them but quickly realized that we were not on the same page, and thus were not talking about the same things. They would talk circles around me about biblical history or lineage in a way that was confusing. There was no way any argument I made would influence these people. As soon as the previously mentioned conversation started I knew where it was going, so I said Jesus could be purple.

I realize that these debates spark contention, and as we know from 3rd Nephi contention is of the devil. which causes me to ask, what good is debating theology? I don’t see the value.

I had a neighbor in my old ward. She was a single woman who had left the church and joined a Christian denomination. I don’t remember the topic, but we got into a debate on Facebook one day. There was this point in the conversation where I woke up and realized she knew the bible far better than I did. I don’t remember the topic, but I remember her sharing some biblical history with me supporting her position and I was honestly embarrassed that I didn’t know the full story and history. This experience kind of put me in my place. I realized I wasn’t all that special. I wasn’t superior in intellect. At the same time, I realized that even though she had left the church she loved the scriptures and was a very devout and faithful follower of Jesus Christ.

Back to this young RM debating this guy on YouTube. You could tell his host had his ammunition locked and loaded. It was going to be a blood bath. I didn’t stick around to watch it. But I have thought about it a lot.

I have seen argument after argument lately by those of other faiths that the LDS Missionaries are going to ask you to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. They counsel people to not listen to the missionaries. They say you can’t know by your feelings. Don’t let them fool you into thinking you can. I beg to differ. Some of my strongest witnesses have been feelings that have originated from the Holy Ghost.

In church on Sunday we were talking about Alma and Amulek. The topic came up about who makes the best convert. A recently returned missionary said, “Someone who is humble.” The Book of Mormon tells us the same thing over and over. Those who are humble are often more eager to hear and receive the word of God.