NYNYS Mission January 14-19, 1997

January 14, 1997, Tuesday
[…] My companion and I worked for about half the day then went on splits the rest. […] We have a lot of good stuff in the mix. […] It was nice to work with [Elder]. We […] went to the Branch President’s home to eat. […]

January 15, 1997
Was a nice day. We relaxed then took the Lopez family to baptism. […]

January 16, 1997
Well, we had Zone Meeting this morning. I conducted. It was fun. Then we juked all of our appointments today and translated this paper […] so we would be prepared to get a marriage license on Friday. We went to see how much it would cost for them to type it and they said $30. I’m like no way. We went to the church to type it because the guy there said they wouldn’t accept it unless it was professionally done. […] they said they would notarize it either way for $3. So, back to the church and then the typewriter ran out of ink. So we started calling members to find someone who had one. After going to a member’s home who had a computer to find out it broke. So we found one and did it and got it notarized. We were lucky the place didn’t close at 5 PM. So we went to my convert home and ate rice, beans, and chicken. Mariana had a dope experience at school where she stood for the church in the face of persecution that was the bomb. Yes, and Tony she shrank a little back and so now she doubts and has more and more doubts. […]

January 17, 1996
[…] We went to Manhatten to get a marriage license and it was nuts. We got there then had to leave and go get a money order then come back and I got the wrong amount. Then went back again and we got the application and had to wait for one hour. When they saw what we had and shot us down before we could even say anything. So, oh well. We went to look for the Embassy of Mexico or the consulate but couldn’t find it so we came home because if they can get passports they can get married. Oh well, we’ll try next week. […]

January 18, 1996
[…] I went to see the Andrus then our gators and then on splits last night to a family home evening at the Abreu’s. […] Something really cool happened the other day, I got really discouraged because Toni keeps having a lack of faith about the church[…] I gave her a chapter to read. Alma 32. And she found an answer. Not to keep questioning God but to be believing so I do think it will start to go a lot better. […]

January 19, 1996
Well, we got up and went and tried getting inactives to come to church but nope. No success. So we went to church. We had 5 investigators there and worked 2 of them to get baptized, but nope. Well, this guy named Victor showed up at church today. He was baptized 2 or 3 months ago then 2 week later came and said he made a mistake and didn’t want to be a member anymore. That he didn’t want them to have his name on the records. We’ll he’s big into Karate and stuff like he’s very ripped and a pretty boy. But we think he broke into the church because he was really angry with it. Someone bad broke in a few months ago and stole a stereo, a phone, and a tv/vcr oh well. He had no light in him and I felt very weird when he was around. […] He had a buddy with him and it was if they were just there scoping things out to see if there was anything worth stealing. But here’s the concern. He met Toni and I felt something clicked there. They both love the same thing. Opps. And they clicked good. Yikes. Scary. I came home and went to bed and I couldn’t sleep crazy. I was worrying so hard. I couldn’t sleep. I wasn’t even trying to think about it and even when I tried not to I couldn’t s stop. I was terrified. So I guess I must warn her. Oh well, and we had no baptisms. dang. It’s all about my horny investigators. They’re all over each other. They got interviewed and were biting each other and licking each other’s faces. And always grabbing each other’s crotch. Dang, they were doing all of that in the church.