Michael’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

At least that is what I’m calling today. I might as well lump the whole month of July in there too. It’s been a bad month and I think today was the icing on the cake. I’m not looking for sympathy. We just have bad days once in a while and it’s nice to get it off your chest. Take a deep breath then start over tomorrow.

So, I’m sitting here at 11:30 PM. I just spent the last hour and a half trying to figure out why our AC stopped working. Oh yes, right in the middle of July. On a state holiday when a lot of people are off. And on a day when temperatures were stretching into the high 90’s.

My wife declared the AC a bigger emergency than the dishwasher which also stopped working today. I had spent an hour or two working on the dishwasher before working on the AC. My dishwasher was displaying an error code and not running a complete cycle.

Two repairs in one day. What are the odds of that? Just last week I had to replace our water heater and last month I had to replace our washing machine. In my mind, I feel like I am witnessing a steady stream of dollar bills flying out the door. But, we need those things. My wife can’t live without AC. My kids would die if they had to wash dishes by hand. I’ve never washed clothes by hand. The only time in my life I didn’t have hot water was on my mission in the dead of winter. It’s miserable to not have hot water.

The rest of the day was just off. From the time my kid woke me up at 3:30 AM telling me he could not sleep until they went to bed about 10 PM. There was constant agitation today between the whole family. It was supposed to be a good day because it was my kid’s birthday. You know what, Alexander’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day was on Alexander’s birthday too. Only, by the end of the movie, everything had worked out. I’m still sitting here at 11:50 PM (now) with a busted AC and Dishwasher.

I know our first-world problems are trivial. There is a part of me that feels we could live primitively for a while. At the same time, I would likely end up living that primitive lifestyle by myself because my wife would NOT be on board with it.