President Mark L Pace – Personal Testimony of the Book of Mormon

I came across this story today while reading General Conference addresses. President Mark L Pace talks about personal scripture study. It’s a great talk. He emphasizes that the term “study” implies effort. At the same time, even just reading the Book of Mormon draws us closer to God.

At a point he shifts to the testimony that can be developed through studying the scriptures. Then shared his own story. It reminded me a bit of what I tell my own boys. I tell them that the most important thing they can learn is to feel and recognize the Holy Ghost. It is a personal testimony of the gospel. They can learn the Book of Mormon is true through a witness of the Holy Ghost. But they need to do that on their own. They can’t just take my word it is true.

Here is the story he shared about his own conversion as a 12-year-old boy.

I am the product of a similar kind of intentional parenting. When I was a young boy, maybe 11 or 12 years old, my mother asked me, “Mark, do you know for yourself, by the Holy Ghost, that the gospel is true?”

Her question surprised me. I had always tried to be a “good boy,” and I thought that was enough. But my mother, like Lehi, knew that something more was needed. I needed to act and know for myself.

I replied that I had not yet had that experience. And she didn’t seem surprised at all by my answer.

She then said something I have never forgotten. I remember her words to this day: “Heavenly Father wants you to know for yourself. But you must put in the effort. You need to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know by the Holy Ghost. Heavenly Father will answer your prayers.”

Well, I had never read the Book of Mormon before. I didn’t think I was old enough to do that. But my mother knew better.

Her question ignited in me a desire to know for myself.

So, each night, in the bedroom I shared with two of my brothers, I turned on the light above my bed and read a chapter in the Book of Mormon. Then, turning off the light, I slipped out of my bed onto my knees and prayed. I prayed more sincerely and with greater desire than I ever had before. I asked Heavenly Father to please let me know of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.

From the time I started reading the Book of Mormon, I felt that Heavenly Father was aware of my efforts. And I felt that I mattered to Him. As I read and prayed, comfortable, peaceful feelings rested upon me. Chapter by chapter, the light of faith was growing brighter inside my soul. In time, I realized that these feelings were confirmations of truth from the Holy Ghost. I came to know for myself that the Book of Mormon is true and that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. How grateful I am for my mother’s inspired invitation.

It Is Wisdom in the Lord That We Should Have the Book of Mormon (

This is no different than any missionary asking an investigator to read and pray to know for themselves that these things are true. It is a lovely story of how conversion takes place, even in the sacred confines of our own homes.