A promise of the Second Comforter in President Nelson’s April 20204 General Conference talk

Did he say what I think he said?

I was reading the talk given by President Nelson at the last General Conference. He was talking about temples, as well as the purchase of the Kirtland temple. He highlighted a few of the most significant events that took place in the historic Kirtland temple, then said the following:

During this visitation, the Lord affirmed His identity. He said, “I am the first and the last; I am he who liveth, I am he who was slain; I am your advocate with the Father.”

Jesus Christ then declared that He had accepted the temple as His house and made this stunning promise: “I will manifest myself to my people in mercy in this house.”

This significant promise applies to every dedicated temple today. I invite you to ponder what the Lord’s promise means for you personally.

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President Nelson said, that the Lord accepted the temple as His House. He restated the Lord promised that he would manifest himself to this people in mercy in His House. To me, that reads. I will show myself to my people in mercy in My House. He will show himself. He will visit His people in His House. Who are His people? The Saints.

The prophet invited us to ponder what that promise means personally. At that point, my mind was blown. It means that I could have a personal manifestation of the Savior in the temple. I looked up “manifest” in the topical guide and it listed example after example of visitations by the Lord to his people.

What does that mean to me?

Now, I don’t want to say I have no desire to see God at this point in my life. I would rather say, I fear seeing God at this point in my life. I worry about living a life worthy of seeing him and worthy of being in His presence. I guess if he were to manifest himself to me he would believe I was worthy enough. Either way, such a privilege is his decision. I feel honored to know that such a privilege is available.

His people, was a very broad statement. He didn’t say his servant, or the prophet. He said his people. Now, there could still be a generality in which that means the leader of his people. But, I don’t think so. It seems most of president Nelsons teachings have been leading towards this. All of the talks about hearing the Saviors voice, being worthy, having priesthood power, knowing the influence of the Holy Ghost. Those are all things that sanctify man and would in a sense bring him closer to God, and most likely make him worthy of having a manifestation of Jesus Christ.

So interesting.