A Good Old End of Days Discussion

I was at my mother’s home with my family the other night. We were talking about a lot of different things. At one point I asked if she had read the Esdras Eagle prophecy. She said that she had and said it wasn’t clear. She had watched a video on it and it felt like people were stretching to come up with their theories on the prophecy. I understand.

I let her know I had read it many times, mapped it out, analyzed the text, and that I felt it was very reliable. The bigger thing about it isn’t that it is true or false, it is that if it is true, there will be some amazing things happen in the next year. However it plays out, if it matches the prophecy, it will be a huge witness that we are living in the last days. The prophecy maps a very short timeline for the destruction of the 4th kingdom in Daniel’s dream.

I say “however it plays out,” because all people can do is theorize what will take place. You will not know 100% until you are able to look back upon it and see that it matches the prophecy. And the way it matches may not conform to a single theory anyone came up with. This somewhat mirrors the prophecies of the coming of Jesus Christ in the meridian of time. When people looked forward, there were many who could not see because the prophecies were not explicitly detailed. And, when they listen to him the Lord spoke in parables. But, when you look backward, you see he fulfilled all of the prophecies that had been foretold about him. When you consider his followers, there were those who saw, believed, and followed him in faith, even though they did not completely understand. They did not know how things would turn out. They did not completely know how those events would transform their lives. They simply knew they were witnessing those prophecies being fulfilled, and they followed him.

On the car ride home, my wife told me that she hates listening to me talk about those things because it is almost as though I am excited for those things to happen. Honestly, I can say I’m excited for them to take place. I’m just passionate about the topic when it comes up.

If I ponder on my own the things that are to take place, there is actually a lot of fear deep in my heart. What will the future be for me and my family? Will I survive, will they survive? Those unknowns alone are hard to dwell on. Will I, or we, have to make it through some type of major catastrophe? Likely. I have never been a fan of death and blood. I can’t say I’m prepared to witness half the population pass away. I can’t say I am prepared to see the unimaginable happen to family, friends, neighbors, or anyone. Then there is the period of time that the saints are persecuted. Again, not excited. What does that entail? There is a long list of things that can take place when people are persecuted. Most of the things are not favorable to ponder.

On the other hand, I know when those things take place the day will be closer. I glory in that. People throughout the ages have desired to witness these days, and we are on the doorstep of being able to witness them with our mortal eyes, and that fascinates me.

I’m not likely to stop discussing the topic. I like it. However, I would be wise to not have those discussions within earshot of my wife.


Events I am looking forward to, that I know are coming:

  • US Presidential Election in Nov 2024 and Jan 2025 [Esdras Eagle]
  • Salt Lake Temple [Rededicated 2026 est]
  • Eclipse 2027 & 2034 [in Egypt]
  • Agenda 2030 [Financial overhaul, digital currency, new world order]

I know there are so many other things that can and will happen, natural disasters, signs in the heavens, socioeconomic crises, wars, rumors of wars, unexplainable phenomena, some predict UFO’s, social decay, and a million other things.

Within the church, I anticipate a day when there is a massive influx of members. I think there will be a day that those whose hearts are open, will realize there is only one way. It is through the Church of Jesus Christ. Sadly, I also know there will be changes in church leadership in the next 10 years. It is inevitable.

But, they tell us if you are prepared, ye need not fear. That is what I hope for.

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