Michael J Fox with Coldplay – Fix You at Glastonbury 2024 – Parkinson’s

I love seeing Michael J Fox press forward. This looks like such a lovely moment for him to be onstage and play with Coldplay, who said they credit Michael J Fox and Back to the Future as a reason for them forming the band Coldplay.

Having grown up with a father who suffered from early onset Parkinson’s, Michael J Fox was a part of the club. He didn’t know it, but we were proud to have him in our club.

Now days it seems many Elderly are diagnosed with Parkinson’s. But there are a special few who get the early onset version of it, like my father, like Michael J Fox, and like Muhammad Ali.

I’m am no saint in the story of my Fathers Parkinson’s. The real saint was my mother who cared from him until the day he passed.

I now have a friend who has this early onset version of Parkinson’s. As I watch him, I see so many similarities, almost like echoes of my fathers life.

Anyhow, seeing this made me think of him. Jeff, I wish I could fix you. I know Tiffany is determined to fix you. But more so I pray God heals you and makes you whole.



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