Esdras Eagle and Joe Biden

If this prophecy is correct, we are in for some interesting times. Of course, none of us know 100% what will happen. But, let’s look at what the scripture says:

Chapter 11

[23] and nothing remained on the eagle’s body except the three heads that were at rest and six little wings.
[24] And I looked, and behold, two little wings separated from the six and remained under the head that was on the right side; but four remained in their place.
[25] And I looked, and behold, these little wings planned to set themselves up and hold the rule.

2 Esdras, 4 Ezra (

So basically, there was nothing left on the eagle except for three-heads and 6 feathers (Presidents). Then the first thing that happens is that two feathers are taken away until the end. This leaves four feathers.

Chapter 11

[26] And I looked, and behold, one was set up, but suddenly disappeared;

2 Esdras, 4 Ezra (

Donald Trump is set up as president and his presidency ended after one term. There was a dispute over whether his term ended early due to election fraud. He was a one term president and it is disputed that his term ended early.

Chapter 11

[27] a second also, and this disappeared more quickly than the first.

2 Esdras, 4 Ezra (

If Trump was the first of the short feathers, Joe Biden is the second. And he is supposed to disappear quicker than the first. How is that? I have thought about this long and hard and figured that Joe Biden will not be the president on inauguration day. That would be the simplest way to put it.

Inauguration day is January 20, 2025 [] This is the day the peaceful transfer of power takes place based on our constitution. This is the day that Trump would have disappeared.

The next question would be, how likely is it that President Joe Biden could be removed from office before January 20th? That is a loaded question. What could cause this to happen?

  • Death (not likely)
  • Removed from office (likely)
  • Fraud or Corruption (not likely)

He may be old, but he is unlikely to pass away in the next 7 months. I have a hard time seeing that being the reason for him being removed from office.

Fraud or Corruption is also hard. His son was found guilty today of Federal gun charges. I think this was a false flag intended to cause everyone to look in the opposite direction, drawing attention away from Joe Biden. Even though there are many indicators that Joe Biden was involved in his son’s business dealings which include corruption in Ukraine and taking bribes.

The most likely scenario to me is that President Joe Biden is removed from office because he is unfit to perform his duties. This seems like the most likely scenario. [25th Amendment] How can you tell the president is unfit? The list of reasons is getting longer

  • Major cognitive decline
  • Unable to speak coherently
  • Loss of motor skills, walking, tripping, falling

Look at this video from today. The president attended a Juneteenth event with other elected officials. The president stood like a statue through the majority of the song, unable to act and respond normally to the festivities.

In this clip, Sky News out of Australia takes a look at Biden’s condition and they give a critique of his cognitive decline. Honestly, the foreign media seem to be scratching their heads at what America is doing. The US media is protecting him and masking his decline. The democrat party is circling the wagons around him to protect him. He is neck and neck to win the presidency and he is unfit and incapable of being president. It does not give the world a lot of confidence in America.

He clearly will not survive another four years in office. Unfortunately, the US media is not bringing these things to light. They are ignoring his cognitive decline in hopes that he wins the election and then he can be replaced.

I think it is clear, the second will disappear more quickly than the first. In other words, Biden will not last until January 20, 2025. He will need to be replaced before the transition of power. Depending on how this is done, it could create a constitutional crisis. This brings us to verses 28 to 31.

If Joe Biden is removed, someone needs to take his place.

Chapter 11

[28] And I looked, and behold, the two that remained were planning between themselves to reign together;
[29] and while they were planning, behold, one of the heads that were at rest (the one which was in the middle) awoke; for it was greater than the other two heads.
[30] And I saw how it allied the two heads with itself,
[31] and behold, the head turned with those that were with it, and it devoured the two little wings which were planning to reign.

2 Esdras, 4 Ezra (

They have to be planning on putting someone else into office in his place. I honestly don’t think they will let Trump win this election. They will instead elect the guy who is on death’s bed and can’t run the country and make it look as though he overwhelmingly won.

But, as the prophecy says, the heads will wake up and pluck out the two who plan to reign. At this point, those two will likely be Kamala Harris and whoever she brings in as a Vice President.

Another way this could flip. The Democrats could be worried enough that they changed the ticket prior to the election and select a new President / Vice President ticket. I guess that is always possible.