NYNYS Mission December 11-18, 1996

Mission Field Drama

December 11, 1996, Wednesday
Manhattan Day.  I went with [Elder – An old companion] and his current companion (I forgot his name), and a member, Adriana from Woodside.  We went to breakfast then Central Park.  Some man was feeding pigeons, so we did also.  They would fly up on your hand.  Then we went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and saw paintings by Picasso and Dali, as well as some Egyptian stuff.  It was nice but there were a lot of naked ladies.  I guess it’s OK because it is art.   After that, we hit the Hard Rock Cafe, then the Rockefeller Center where we saw the famous (Christmas] tree.  Then we went home.  It was a long day and very tiring.  

December 12, 1996, Thursday
I really can’t remember what happened. 

December 13, 1996, Friday
Zone Meeting again.  I talked and I think I’m getting used to it.  Then we worked [Elder’s] last day and had a nice party for him with a lot of people and food.  But, no dancing, last time they got in trouble for that.   […]

December 14, 1996,  Saturday
Well, we watched [the movie] Rocky to pump us up today and ate doughnuts at the church.  Then we worked in the sister’s area.  […]  Then we came home and worked our area.  […]  I guess a lot of the problems in the mission are from a few missionaries.  [Elder] who I lived with the month before and now [Elder – My new companion in a few days].  I guess they’ve been putting messages out that have gotten all the way to SLC.  They’re talking trash on every leader […] if someone wanted to destroy you, you must be doing something right. We now have to watch what we do to be careful that our paths are spotless.  They have a little group and are going against the mission president […] I hope it doesn’t get worse.  I can only do my best. […]

December 15, 1996, Sunday
Well, hummm.  Great day. No gators at church.  AP’s at church.  What a day.  

December 16, 1996, Monday
Spanish Surprise!  [Elder – My Past companion] is out of here and guess who my new companion is, [Elder], the problem […]  On Friday the 13th he apologized to [Elder – My current companion] kinda at his farewell party for him. Wow.  But, I still hear he’s against the president.  He’s got kinda a sour attitude. He’s a little mad about this transfer and I don’t think he’s really excited to be with me.  I remember the big fight earlier in the month when he blew up refusing to be my companion and called up the AP’s. Then BAM!  He got exactly what he didn’t want.  Me. […] And that’s the day.  

December 18, 1996, Wednesday
[…] I had nobody to go on a split with today. So, I asked [Elder – My past companion] and Elder –  my new companion] if I could work with them. And they shot me down.  No, you can’t go with us, we have appointments all day. [… I felt bad…] I’ve really enjoyed working with [Elder – my past companion], but he acts as though it’s pulling teeth and the funny thing is that he’s serious about it.  […]  So, I went with [Elder – My soon-to-be companion in a few months] and his companion all day today.  Then with [Elder] to a nice dinner appointment with very good lasagna.  The guy then took us home by way of a rich Italian Catholic neighborhood.  To see the Christmas lights.  They were nice. And some way, way, way, out of control huge statues with turning and moving figures.  Wow.   When we got home I was asking [Elder – My new companion] about his gator’s, soon-to-be mine.  […]  He starts going off on me. Why are you interrogating me? I’m like wait a minute. I’m just trying to find out about our gators. […]. After I had already told him about all mine.  I’m like what’s your problem?  Haven’t you even wanted to know what you were going into?  He told me yes.  And that we weren’t going to talk about it then.  So I said, OK, when you want to tell me about our gators, you come get me and we’ll take care of it then.  I can’t believe this.  […]. I feel an interesting 2 weeks coming on.  Oh ha, but that’s all it is, 2 weeks.  

NOTE:  I think we have 6 companionships in that pad in Dyer Heights.  That is why there are so many missionaries and so many of us going on splits.

My favorite artists are Dali, Escher, and Monet.  I don’t recall the Dali piece they had, I probably have a photo of it somewhere.  If I remember right, they only had one and you had to stand and view it from 10’ away behind a rope.