New Hymnal Controversy

They released a few of the hymns from the new hymnal this week. I must say, that is fun and exciting! But apparently, not for everyone.

One of my neighbors is building the new music app for the church. He has told me about it and some of the complexities associated with the new hymns. He kept all the secret stuff secret. In short:

  1. Artists submitted their compositions.
  2. A committee picked from the existing hymns and all the submissions.
  3. Every song needed to be formatted so it could be sung the same, with the same arrangement, in every language.

That last part is the part that has caused the most changes and challenges. I remember learning the hymns in Spanish on my mission. The arrangements were different on many due to the translations from English to Spanish. I’m sure there will be much of this and they try to incorporate more international hymns. I’m also sure they have approached all the changes prayerfully.

I saw a post on a Facebook group today where someone expressed their complete frustration with the negativity surrounding the first hymns released. Apparently, you can’t please every music expert. Sacrament meeting music leaders and organists are apparently outraged across the church because they don’t agree with a key change, a note, a phrase, a song, or maybe even because their song was not included. (That may be a slight exaggeration.)

I reviewed a number of posts and sure enough, there are some unhappy campers out there. I laughed. Having been told myself, “for the love of mankind please never write another song.” It does not surprise me that musicians have an opinion and are not afraid to share it. I’ve taken it on the chin myself. I’m also not an expert, so don’t ask me. I only have opinions.

One commenter said he heard (this is fourth-party information hearsay, but it is good) Elder Rasband was quoted as saying that creating the hymns “gave us a glimpse of what the war in heaven must have been like.” Now that is funny.

The songs may sound a little different, but we will learn to love them. I hope music leaders and organists across the church learn to love them. I’m sure I will. (Even though none of my songs were included. Ha ha ha)

List of the newly released hymns: