How did I do this week? May 29, 2024

Well, the week has been hard. My hip has hurt a lot. I tried to fast the other day, no medicine. By the end of the day I could not walk. My wife asked me to go to the store with her and I simply said I could not. I can’t walk that far. It hurts too bad. Even after taking medicine in the evening, it was rough all night long.

A positive note from dinner tonight. Dinner is when I have been trying to have my discussions on “Come Follow Me” and my two big questions. I did them all and the discussion as great. We talked about Alma the Younger and the Sons of Mosiah. Then we talked about my two big questions.

1 – The most important thing you can learn is to feel and recognize the Holy Ghost

2 – Protect the private times in your life.

We talked about both of those things. The kids asked me what the Holy Ghost feels like. I talked to them about two experiences I had this week when I felt the Holy Ghost and what if felt like to me. It went really well for once.

It was a win!