Christian Homesteader

I wanted to take a moment and talk about this YouTube Channel called Christian Homesteader. To start, I don’t know him and he does not know me. I believe the channel’s owner is Jared. There isn’t any one video that I recommend. His videos are pretty simple. He basically reviews his Book of Mormon challenge and then talks about LDS themes. As I have listened to more of his content, he just seems to be a good person.

He has a Book of Mormon Challenge where he channel subscribers track how many copies of the Book of Mormon they have placed, along with how many of those people have had missionary discussions, along with how many have been baptized. It is truly remarkable. At this point, his channel subscribers have placed thousands of copies, nearing 10,000 copies. Talk about doing much good.

He also provides access to a spreadsheet of content he has gathered. I clicked on one and I was overwhelmed by the volume of content. There is some really interesting stuff on there.

Anyhow, go check out his content. Here is a link to one of his videos.