Second Coming Rumors

I loved this and it made me think about my own predictions of when the second coming will take place.

  • I’m guilty of making predictions
  • Most rumors and predictions are not true; you shouldn’t believe them
  • The Prophet and Apostles are not going to go buck wild and start spewing frivolous predictions

In short President Hinckley talks about a false statement attributed to him while traveling in Africa with the prophet. President Hinckley was quoted as predicting the Second Coming would take place in 1986. He tells the story as follows:

It alleges that I recently participated in a missionary conference in South Africa and that, in a question-and-answer period, I was asked concerning the second coming of the Savior. I am reported to have said that he would come on the morning of the Sabbath and that he would come on his birthday. From these alleged premises the originator of this document had consulted a hundred-year calendar and had concluded with some measure of certainty that the Lord would come on April 6, 1986.

President Hinckley refuted the quote in a BYU devotional by saying:

The fact is that I was in South Africa with President Kimball for an area conference last fall. The further fact is that a meeting was held with missionaries in that area at which the mission president, Elder Neal Maxwell, President Kimball, and I spoke. But there was no question-and-answer period, nor was there any discussion of the second coming of the Savior. The talks given were taped, and I have a transcript of them.

I recall hearing President Heber J. Grant say, many years ago, that falsehood could march around the world while truth was pulling on its boots. I am beginning to understand that. I assume that no one in the Church would think that a member of the Council of the Twelve would make such statements as these attributed to me. Furthermore, should any such idea have come into my mind, it would not have stood unchallenged with the President of the Church seated immediately behind me. The fact is that the whole thing is a fabrication. Why anyone would indulge in this kind of speculation I cannot understand. As Paul advised Timothy, “Foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes” (2 Timothy 2:23).

I love this. The statement that President Hinckley made that such a statement would have been challenged by the prophet who was on assignment with him.

Predictions like this, by someone in a position like his are unwise. But is the same true for regular people? President Hinckley said “foolish and unlearned questions avoid,” is it foolish and unlearned to ask questions about the second coming?

  • We see the signs of the times
  • We see the fulfillment of prophecy
  • We are almost 45 years after this event took place

I think it helps to watch and be ready, to warn your neighbor. But like all things, predictions can be taken too far and can be crafted as “sensational” or “controversial”. At which point they have the ability to “gender strifes.”

President Nelson has said:

In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost. My beloved brothers and sisters, I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation.

– President Nelson

There are millions of voices screaming the sky is falling, along with millions screaming that it is not and all is well.

I have no doubt we may know the truth. Real truth is taught by God through the Holy Spirit. Personal revelation is what will lead us safely. The future is sure to be a minefield up until the final day. We are told that even the very elect will be deceived.