Parallels between Babylon and Holiness

This was a really interesting presentation. At [0:04:50] Morgan shares a relationship that I had never seen before. He starts with REVELATIONS 17:5. I guess the thing that surprises me is how simply, even in the smallest parallels, evil copies the Lord. In these two parallel phrases, you have a statement of power, along with a statement of what it is.

The temple is the Lord’s house or temple, and it is where his holiness is. Babylon or the earth is where Satan’s house or temple is, and it is where his debauchery is.

  • Mystery, Babylon the Great
  • The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth

Then he shows an LDS Temple

  • Holiness to the Lord
  • The House of the Lord

There are two phrases in both cases. They are in contrast to one another.

  • In the temple, you go through a process of sanctifying yourself
  • In the world, you go through a process of defiling yourself

How does Babylon manifest itself in the world with images that are in stark contrast to temples?

Think about your home. Is your home filled with more of the temple? Or the World? When you walk into your kids room, is it filled with more of the temple? Or the world? This same exercise could be used while looking at many things.

This was on my mind all day yesterday. What is my house filled with?

  • The music that is listened to
  • The movies that are watched
  • The internet searches that are made
  • The paintings on the walls
  • The books on the shelf
  • The prayers that are made
  • The things that are worshiped
  • The desires of the hearts that are in my home


[0:11:00] There is a flip side of this coin. Not only could we be filling our lives with the things of Babylon. We could be setting the temple or the church up as an idol and have a false sense of righteousness.

Laman and Lemuel wanted to go back to Jerusalem, saying they were righteous because they kept the law of Moses. Are we like Laman and Lemuel because we feel if the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints builds a lot of temples, are we righteous? Or did we impose a sense of righteousness because we built a lot of temples?

In short:

  • The Jews were righteous because the had a temple
  • The LDS are righteous because we have a temple

Poor frame of reference, assigned righteousness where there is no righteousness.

  • Lehi’s capital was Jerusalem
  • Our capital is Salt Lake City, Utah

Lehi was committing felonies (or the equivalent) by saying they had become the opposite of their holy idol, the temple.

This is interesting as well. The people of Israel removed the doctrine of a Messiah. This was during the deuterogamist Revolution. There appeared to be a cleansing of the scripture where they took Christ out of the scripture. The first thing that came to mind here was, “as far as it is translated correctly.” If it is understood that this revolution took place, there must be an understanding that scripture was altered over time.

Note: when I searched for this, it was painted as a cleansing or holy act. Not as the removal. It was painted as turning their hearts back to God, not turning their hearts away from Jesus Christ. Either way, it is clear that at some point, Jesus Christ was removed from the Old Testament.

Morgan then used the Tree of Life Vision as symbolism around Jerusalem. He took that sacred symbolism and used it against them. They had defiled the holy space.

[0:16:00] I guess it is entirely possible that the “Tree of Life” vision that Lehi saw could have had a deeper meaning with parallels between Jerusalem and the Jews. I just don’t know. This is the first I have ever heard of it. But, if you think about the Book of Mormon and all the imagery used throughout it. It makes 100% sense that the imagery of the Tree of Life had a deeper meaning and could very well had a real-life physical parallel.


I want to go back to the “temple” being an “idol” or symbol of righteousness.

I have never thought the LDS people were righteous simply because they had temples. However, I have talk to people who could possibly feel this way. I would not judge them as feeling this way. Because I do not know their hearts and their minds, I don’t feel I can judge them. What I do see though, is that there are a lot of LDS who don’t seem to feel a sense of urgency. They don’t feel the signs of the times are close enough.

I have looked at the temple in a couple of different ways. Number one there’s a lot of temple work that needs to be done in the millennium so God naturally needs to build a lot of temples. This is also a point of conflict for me because I know a lot of temples will be destroyed because of the calamity of the last days. Therefore, I don’t completely believe all the temples built are being built for the millennium.

This brings me to part two. I believe the temples are being built for protection through the last days. The Saints are going to need the temples as a refuge to be strengthened, to receive revelation, to receive protection, as we navigate the last days. This makes a lot more sense. Because of this, I see the buildings of temples and the spreading of the gospel as a sign of the times and it excites me.

I do not see them as a sign of righteousness.