How did I do this week? May 3, 2024

Wow, it has been an interesting 6 months leading up to now. Between multiple health issues with family members both ongoing and recent, life just doesn’t seem to slow down. I feel like a pendulum that swings back and forth. My moods don’t change that rapidly, I like to think of myself pretty stable mentally, but I can tell the good days and the bad days seem to be these dramatic swings.

I have sat down to write a dozen posts on this blog, but never finished any of them. Sometimes it is hard to just gather thoughts and put them into words. To quickly review my week… I have not fasted in a few weeks. I’ve still been praying multiple times a day and I have been studying the gospel. Not just reading the scriptures through, but more studying topics. My body feels more broken by the day. My hip has been killing me recently. I haven’t been able to sleep more than 2 hours at a time at night. My hip starts throbbing in the middle of the night waking me like clockwork. After a few times of that, I’m up. Like write now, I’m typing this at 4:30 AM. I’m excited to get my hip fixed next month. It’s been a 5 year increasingly debilitating journey. But, it has also given me a real taste of how people suffer.

I can’t hide it. I walk funny. I limp pretty hard. People ask if it is hurting. I reply, yes all the time. To which they often reply, I’m so sorry. I shrug it off. It hurts, I make due. It is what it is. I can’t change it. It hurts all day long every day. It hurts to walk, stand, sit, get it a car, go up and down stairs, get dressed, pivot, stand wrong, move wrong, and all sorts of other stuff. What can you do about it? Nothing but live with it. But I know there are people out there who suffer much more than I do. I would say, I don’t seek sympathy unless my wife is asking me to do something and I don’t feel like moving. ha ha ha. It’s just a matter-of-fact condition. It hurts, OK, let’s move on to another topic.

So, what else has happened this week?

I think I have a new general focus for this blog. Oh, it is still “Worthy of Zion.” All about my path to be worthy to enter Zion should that day come. But rather, I feel moved by the Holy Ghost to focus more on the Holy Ghost. It’s hard to explain. On one hand, I have felt as though my wheels have been spinning and I have been going no where. On the other hand, I recently felt this overwhelming inspiration to focus on the Holy Ghost.

I know I have mentioned a few times my desire to teach my children that the most important thing they can learn in life is to feel and recognize the Holy Ghost. I guess the other half of that naturally is to follow those promptings. I remember when I was young and newly converted to the church I had this amazing relationship with the Holy Ghost. I wanted it to guide me in all things. I don’t exactly know how to explain it, but there is a balance between being instructed in all things and not being instructed in all things. Or, being left to choose for yourself who you will serve. What choices will you make?

There was also a time in my life when I really desired the witness of the second comforter. If you don’t know what that is, it is a visitation of Jesus Christ often referred to as your calling and election made sure. Now, at the time that I really sought that, I realized if I ever made a mistake after that, I would be toast. Why would a mistake cross my mind? Naturally, my life has been full of them. I’m notorious for making the wrong choice. So, what could go wrong… basically everything. In a way, I’m glad that didn’t happen or hasn’t happened.

So, now I am here. I’m not seeking the second comforter. I’m not seeking to be a general authority. I’m simply wanting to be a righteous follower of Jesus Christ; one who hears and follows his holy spirit. So, I will write on other things still. I have an interest in other things. But, I am going to try to write regular posts or highlight things that emphasis the Holy Ghost.

  • Feel and Recognize the Holy Ghost
  • Understand the Voice of the Holy Ghost
  • Following the Holy Ghost (Spirit)
  • Teaching by the Holy Ghost (Spirit)
  • Personal Revelation through the Holy Ghost

If nothing in this world is more important, then that is what I should be talking about. If the world is going to get so crazy that is the only thing that will save us, then that is what I should be talking about.

“But in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.”

“My beloved brothers and sisters, I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation… Choose to do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear the voice of the Spirit more frequently and more clearly.”

“With Moroni, I exhort you… to “come unto Christ, and lay hold upon every good gift,” beginning with the gift of the Holy Ghost, which gift can and will change your life.”

“We are followers of Jesus Christ. The most important truth the Holy Ghost will ever witness to you is that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. He lives! He is our Advocate with the Father, our Exemplar, and our Redeemer.”

Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives (

I think that sums it up nicely. Why is that witness of the Holy Ghost so important? It testifies of Jesus Christ.

God Bless You All! Michael