Is Pastor Jeff from Hello Saints a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

I came across a video today where an individual more or less eviscerated Pastor Jeff and Hello Saints. The accusations along with the way they were presented were pretty brutal. This person referred to him as a wolf in sheep’s clothing and used Pastor Jeff’s own words against him to make their case.

Before this, I have heard others questioning Pastor Jeff’s motives. Hey, even I’m not sure whether his intentions are pure myself. But my reoccurring thought is, does it really matter?

Pastor Jeff used to be a Mormon Badger! I don’t really care. Pastor Jeff may take all his knowledge and use it against the Mormons! All power to him. No one’s salvation is based on Pastor Jeff’s opinions. Pastor Jeff will stand accountable for what he has done and what he does in the future, just like everyone else.

I would rather be found loving and forgiving. We forgive him for what he has done in the past, and we learn from each other. we become friends, we share our differences, but we no longer use those differences against one another. If at that point he wants to attack the church and blow up all the goodwill he has created, that is his choice It is more important that we forgive one another and open the door to friendship and understanding.

The main accusation in the video I watched was that he is 100% intent on drawing people away from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is masquerading as one who is curious but his actual intent is to refine his arguments against the church so he can more accurately and effectively attack the church. They point out that his attacks are not direct, but indirect through lies and passive-aggressive attacks.

As I listened, I thought of my own analysis of his videos. My own analysis of his videos is to reinforce the views of the LDS church. I always feel that something was left out or not backed up appropriately. At times I am currious about something he said whether it was true or not. So, I go and back them up with scripture or prophetic quotes. But I questioned today if I have at times also in a sense “attacked” the beliefs of Pastor Jeff. I hope I have not. My intent is not to belittle him or his beliefs. I don’t know what it is, but whenever I hear him talk my beliefs feel as though they are being chiseled into bedrock. His make no sense to me.

As I listened to this commentary today my heart hurt, hoping I have not expressed my beliefs in an offensive way. In the end, I would think it is better not to speak than to offend another because of their beliefs.

I have often chosen not to speak on this type of commentary or anti-Mormon commentary for the same reason. It does not improve me as a person to contend with another person. Often they do so to contend with others. And Jesus Christ has said that contention is of the adversary.

29 For verily, verily I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another.

In the end, I would rather give Pastor Jeff the benefit of the doubt that his intentions are pure. If his heart softened and there was mutual dialogue between the two religions, imagine how much good could become of it if we found a way to respect one another.

I hope I can keep my head on straight and avoid personally attacking anyone or their beleifs.