Apocalyptic Dream

April 25, 2024

I woke up at 2 AM this morning really sore and confused. I had slept on the couch.  I have been struggling to sleep through the night with my hip. I was in a very awkward position and I struggled to get the couch back into a sitting position. I rolled off the couch into a kneeling position to pray.  When I am really sore, I will kneel and pray. I feel it gives me strength. I started to pray and found myself falling asleep.  

I dreamt was driving down the road.  All of a sudden I was in a major traffic jam.  Everyone was stopped.  We were on what would appear to be a two-lane interstate in the middle of a desert.  There were lots of cars but no buildings.  The next thing I knew I saw a few cars ahead of me pulled into the center lane and started driving ahead.  I thought it was strange so we got out to follow them and look to see where they were going.  I couldn’t reason in my mind how they were getting through and wanted to be safe.

I felt like I was with someone but never saw another person.  Never saw another person get out of their car.  

When I went to observe what the cars were doing, I saw many cars were totaled.  They had driven off the edge down a narrow path all in a line but a single car was at the end of the line smashed and turned sideways blocking the way out.  We were 100% stuck. And going nowhere.  I realized there was no way off this road in my car.

There was a very eerie feeling in the air; mysteriously, spooky, apocalyptic.  Everything felt grey and I remember staring into the sky which felt different.  I started to wonder what had happened and what I needed to do to stay safe.

I returned to my car which was a minivan. I don’t remember how it was told to me but I saw a flash in my mind, there was a picture of the west coast of the US with multiple large red circles.  I saw the name Portland large over one circle, then another large circle overlapping part of the large red circle over Portland. In my mind, I was told those cities had been hit by nuclear weapons.  This had made everything come to a standstill.  

I started to realize if that had happened there were major issues.  One thought was self-driving cars.  Another was cars that required some sort of central command to work, like Teslas.  I felt some of these internet-connected cars were either unable to be used or being taken over by someone remotely and used to block or halt the flow of traffic.  

I got to the car and I didn’t feel safe just sitting in the car, so I got into the very back and waited.  This is another place I felt as though I was not alone.  The next thing I heard was people being shot, as though people with guns were going around killing all the people in their cars.  We waited for hours not wanting to exit the vehicle in case those people were still there.  We were praying we would not be detected sitting in the way back of the minivan.  

Then I realized I was uncomfortable kneeling on the side of the couch.  The terror of people being hunted and shot was fresh on my mind. I thought, what was that? I better write it down.

I don’t recall having had a dream like that before. When I was young, in the late 70’s or early 80’s I remember being scared of a nuclear attack and there were nights I could not sleep. But it seems to me that we were having drills in Elementary School about what to do in the case of a nuclear attack. If I remember right, our elementary school had a shelter below the gym in the case of such an event. I don’t remember any of those dreams, just that I had them and could not sleep well as a kid.