The Holy Ghost

President Henry B Eyring – Our Constant Companion

We talked about this in Elder’s Quorum today.

The first thing I thought when I heard the topic today was a memory of me sitting at the dinner table a month or two ago. The weight of being a father and teaching my children was heavy upon me that day.

The memory of being a Sunday School teacher was on my mind. I made it my goal to remind the children every Sunday that the most important thing they could learn in life was to know and recognize the Holy Ghost.

All the while, I have sat with my children day after day, week after week failing to provide my children with the same advice.

So here I was, sitting at the dinner table one random day, and we spoke about it. We talked about it. I provided the same admonition to my children. “The most important thing you can learn in this life is to feel and recognize the Holy Ghost.”

Now a few months later, after my family has gone through a great deal of trauma, I have felt it over and over again. I have felt the hand of God with me. I have felt the love of God through neighbors and friends who have helped us. But have my kids?

I haven’t talked about it with my children. I know they have all suffered recently. They have feared for themselves and for their brother. I have been so preoccupied that I have failed to teach them.

I know these things are true. I know I can do better as a husband and father.

Even as I talk about this, I realize I should take the opportunity today to sit and talk to my children about this. I should encourage them to pray, seek answers, and the comfort of the Holy Ghost.

We talked about this today in Elders Quotum.