General Conference April 2024

Well, I missed most of General Conference this year. I saw the tiniest part here and there is all. I had been looking forward to this year’s conference but when it came down to it, the stars didn’t align. I felt that every time I sat down and tried to listen to a talk I couldn’t. I was pulled away, I had something important to do, I wasn’t in a place where I could listen to, or any number of crazy things.

I was finally able to sit down and focus on the very last talk by President Nelson. And, it was the talk I needed to hear.

My family broke this week. If you were following any of my posts, my son had a mental health crisis. Previous Post: A Dark Tunnel – Worthy of Zion

The prophet spoke of getting answers and finding healing in the temple. I haven’t been doing that much. It’s been hard to go with my broken hip. It hurts to change in those tiny stalls in the changing room. I can barely put on a pair of pants at home. Those are not good excuses. And, the pain of having my family fall apart is far greater than any pain or discomfort I feel in my hip.

I’ll listen to the other talks as they are posted and write some other things. At a minimum, I heard what I needed to hear.


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