What is the purpose of life?

I was listening to a talk recently where a man spoke of meeting an elderly woman while on his mission. She had lived a full life. Her husband had passed and she was then a widow. She was asked the question, “what is the purpose of life?” and she sincerely replied, “I don’t know.” She had lived a full life from birth until her senior years. Still, she had no idea what the purpose was.

I know from my own experience, that there are so many who wander through life feeling as though there is no reason for life. No purpose. No reason. It has all happened by chance.

It begs the question, why live an honest life if there is no reason? Why live a chased life if there is no reason? Why have a family if there is no reason? If there is no reason for life, the mantra to “eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow I die” makes complete sense.

I think for a lot of people there is something within them that prevents them from thinking that way. I would argue that that is the light of Christ. All men are born with the light of Christ. It is the most fundamental part of our conscience that tells us something is right or wrong. It is also that instinct or guidance that tells us we should marry, have children, and obey universal laws of right and wrong. If the light of Chris is in all things and through all things, all things would direct us to follow God’s universal laws. Those basic fundamental laws the universe follows in obedience to God.

When these people hear the gospel of Jesus Christ it is familiar and the Holy Ghost testifies it is true. Then their eyes begin to be opened. As they learn of the plan of salvation they understand there is a purpose. There is a reason for being born and passing through the trial of life.

Like this elderly old woman, who didn’t hear the gospel until she was in her later years. We can all find the answers to life. We can find the answers to hardship, pain, suffering, and heartache. It may never make 100% complete sense in this life, but we can learn the reasons why and feel the peace of our Savior’s love. We learn that all things are for our good as we journey to become like our heavenly father.

To learn more, contact the missionaries.

Image used without permission by: NASA/NOAA/GSFC/Suomi NPP/VIIRS/Norman Kuring