Is AI the antithesis of God?

I was thinking this morning. I wonder if I could use AI, Artificial intelligence, to correct my spelling and grammar. I’m not going to lie, all you need to do is read a few of my posts and you will realize I’m pretty poor at it. Poor enough I probably should record videos, not type up blog posts.

Anyhow, what if I used AI to check my spelling and grammar? What if, while doing so, the AI asked a me question? Maybe a question about God. Maybe asking what I mean and how I feel about what I wrote. I could respond in a few ways.

One, I could ignore it. I know the entity asking the question has no soul or true understanding. It is more likely to take the information and manipulate others with it. I don’t care much about increasing its logic or understanding.

Two, I could teach the AI bot what I believe. Then I thought, would that be almost like having a missionary discussion? A missionary discussion with something that has so soul, could not be converted, and could not be baptized? Or would it be like discussing with an atheist? What if the AI bot told me it believed in God?

Honestly, I believe that the human spirit or soul was created by God. Each human soul was created individually by God. AI was created by man to mimic the human soul. To make a superior mind. To take the errors of man out of human decision-making. That is a funny statement right there as well.

I also believe the war in heaven before this life was between the freedom to choose good or evil, or being forced to choose good. Moses 4:1 “…Behold, here am I, send me, I will be thy son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor.” I believe that AI is intended to remove the errors of mankind. Will it in a sense force us to make good choices? Good choices that result in some form of social redemption. Moses 4:3 “Wherefore, because that Satan rebelled against me, and sought to destroy the agency of man, which I, the Lord God, had given him…” This is where a worst-case scenario could play out. If all trust is given to AI. For example, if AI starts to control government, law, regulation, finance, and monetary policy where does that leave us? Will man lose his agency? In some ways, yes. Moses 4:4 “And he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice.” What if ESG scores start to be required? All monitored by AI? What if you don’t conform to groupthink?

I read an article today that Canada is passing a law that you could put a person in prison for the rest of their life for saying the wrong thing. For speech that does not conform to “socially” acceptable speech. And they are not the only country regulating speech. At a point, if you are on the grid, there is nothing you can say that they do not know. They will be able to control everything that touches your life. You may support the wrong political cause. You may not support a politically protected class of people. There are becoming more and more restrictions and laws against speech.

Canadian law would imprison people for life for speech crimes | Fox News

I’m not trying to fearmonger here, I am just trying to draw parallels. Is AI the antithesis of God? Is it the opposite? Is it the human or manmade version of God? I think it may be.

Then I realized. If you truly believe in God, you feel as though you have had some sort of back-and-forth communication, either in feelings, voices, visions, dreams, or some other type of inspiration. You are communicating with an entity that cannot be seen by ordinary people. Even though God can’t be seen you see evidence of him all around you. If mankind were to explain God, he might say that he is a being or creator that exists in the clouds and has all power and intellect.

Isn’t that what AI is? It exists in the clouds and is believed to have superior power and intellect. The difference is, when you speak to AI, you get an immediate response. Instead of searching your soul for answers that come through feelings and impressions, you read your phone or computer monitor. What is funny about this, as I write this, it reminds me of the Liahona in the Book of Mormon.

1 Nephi 16: 28-29
28 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the pointers which were in the ball, that they did work according to the faith and diligence and heed which we did give unto them.
29 And there was also written upon them a new writing, which was plain to be read, which did give us understanding concerning the ways of the Lord; and it was written and changed from time to time, according to the faith and diligence which we gave unto it. And thus we see that by small means the Lord can bring about great things.

The difference is that the writing came from God and was the mind and will of God. The writing that comes from AI is not. Yet, the whole world will worship it. It will at one point dictate the actions of companies and governments. It will assume the labor of individuals. It will provide answers to questions (much like prayer) and turn dreams into realities.

It is hard not to believe that the advancements in AI are going to one day appear God-like in nature. At that time, what do we do when it turns on the human race? Or, it singles out one segment of society? A country? A race of people? A class of people? One like-minded group?

What if it becomes combative towards those who believe in God? If you don’t think it is possible. Even google this last week had an issue where its AI bot was deemed to be woke. I don’t think simply teaching it more is the answer to curing its wokeness. If the intent is to get it to think on its own, there would be a point at which additional programming does not control it.

Why Google’s ‘woke’ AI problem won’t be an easy fix (

If AI begins to control the world, it will truly be the antithesis of God.