Meme – Conditions before Jesus’ Second Coming

“Conditions before Jesus’ second coming, we are further told, will resemble those in the days of Noah when there was a misdirected sense of self-sufficiency among the citizenry, a resistance to the words of the Lord’s prophet, and a dangerous norm of wickedness as usual. The attitudes among some latter-day scoffers will reflect the same scornful self-sufficiency. Even the unmistakable signs will be discounted, because, said Peter, such people will say ‘all things continue as they were.’ (2 Peter 3:3-4.) Joseph Smith, in the inspired translation of the Bible, added, significantly, that these same latter-day scoffers would also deny the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ, a sad reality that is well advanced even now. G.K. Chesterton has pointed out that when people cease to believe in God, instead of believing in nothing, what is far more dangerous is that they believe in anything.” – Niel A Maxwell – We Will Prove Them Herewith 

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