
It is political season again… and Meridian Magazine posted some statistics on the church.

Results of Large Survey of Church Members and Former Members « Meridian Magazine (


71% of Latter-day Saints in the “Mormon Corridor” reported that they attend church weekly, while 65% of those outside the area state that they attend weekly.

I would assume the strength of the church is still in Utah as it always has been. I would also assume due to retention that activity outside of Utah is lower.


First off, I thought it was funny they clumped everything into the 80/20 percentages (Pareto Principle). Isn’t it funny how much in life falls into that division?

The 80 Percent

  • Know God Exists
  • Believe Joseph Smith Saw God and Jesus Christ
  • Believe the Book of Mormon
  • Believe in Priesthood Authority
  • Read the Scriptures
  • Pray
  • Pay a Full Tithing
  • Attend Church
  • Attend the Temple

hese people fall into the following likeminded mindset:

  • Politically Moderate
  • Conservative
  • Traditional views
  • Moral Foundation

The 20 Percent

  • Fewer believe in God
  • Pray less often
  • Most unaffiliated with religion
  • 2x more likely divorced
  • 4x more likely supportive of LGBTQ

These people fall into the following likeminded mindset:

  • Liberal
  • Less certain on Moral Foundation Issues

It is interesting when it comes down to it, reading your scriptures and praying every day really does have an impact on your view of religion and the world.

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