NYNYS Mission October 1-6, 1996

October 1, 1996
Packing and our landlords from Bangladesh hooked us up with a BBQ. It was awesome.

NOTE: I lived in this area during the Summer Olympics. Our landlord also invited us to a party one night where they had food and family over watching the Olympics on the back patio. They were such nice people. And the food was delicious.

October 2, 1996 (Wednesday)
[…] It’s weird how people all have opinions about everything and your new companion. Our first day together was cool. I love this area […]

October 3, 1996 (Thursday)
[…] we got into a little spat with some dude but I don’t think he really understood what he was talking about. […]

October 4, 1996 (Friday)
Things are good. We’ve been trying hard. We’ve found some people who are cool. We had an appointment and a member saw us. She was helping another member and was late for a six o’clock appointment. We were 15 min late, so the next thing we knew we were walking the member home 3 avenues and 4 to 5 blocks in the opposite direction. […]

October 5, 1996
General Conference. […] My comp is so sick of my walking. He thinks I’m a drill sergeant because I walk so fast. I can’t slow down. I feel a sense of urgency. That’s why I do it. I can’t help it. It’s in the heart. I do it unconsciously. Oh well, he’ll get used to it.

October 6, 1996 (Sunday)
Another day of conference. […] My comp, I think is going into lazy mode. He doesn’t want to work. It’s as though he just wants to chill with the English elders. I don’t know though. Maybe he really is sick? Oh brother how am I going to work this? It’s so funny the English elders sleep until 9:30 every day. That is not how I want to be. I still want to try to do my best.

NOTE: This is going to start a very sad time on my mission. It will be a hard month, and I will watch a missionary fall from grace over the next few months. Not my companion, but another missionary living in our pad.

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