Peter Santenello – Dinner with Mormons

I can honestly say I have never heard of this guy or his YouTube channel before. It just looked interesting. I am a “Mormon” member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and so I have a particular interest in good stories about the LDS faith. From here on out I will refer to them as LDS.

My summary, these are your average typical LDS people. You can tell from listening to them, that Peter didn’t pick an LDS scholar to visit. Nothing wrong with that. These people just answered the best they could with the knowledge they had. It was fun and interesting. Good people, good conversations, and Peter seemed genuinely interested in what they had to say.

I wanted to go through the line of questioning and answer them myself. Not because I feel they did anything wrong, I just found myself wanting to answer as I watched the video. I guess you do that when you are passionate about something. You want to engage with it. So this post is appeasing that desire to engage.

Peter offers a gracious compliment about the hospitality and kindness of those he met who were LDS and who live in the predominantly LDS community. I would hope so. I think people would be surprised how kind the LDS people are.

The Word of Wisdom

Yes, it is about moderation in all things. It is also about abstinence from something. It is also about the proper use of other things. The doctrine is found in D&C 89

  • 5 – Wine and strong drink are not good
  • 6 – Pure wine from the grape or vine is good
  • 7 – Strong drink is not for the belly
  • 8 – Tobacco is not for the body or belly but for bruises and sick cattle
  • 9 – Hot drinks are not for the body or belly
  • 10 – Herbs God has constituted for the use of man
  • 11 – Herbs and fruit are to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.
  • 12 – The flesh of beast and foul has been constituted for the use of man, but use sparingly
  • 14 – Grains are the staff of life
  • 16 – All grain is good and fruit

What is the promise:

  • 18 Shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones;
  • 19 Shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures;
  • 20 Shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint.

What is not mentioned here is

Drugs, but we are taught that like all other things drugs have a time and a place depending on what the drug is. A prescription drug can be helpful to your body, it can help you recover from an illness or injury. But, it can also damage your body if it is not used properly.

This goes back to one of the other core doctrines and that is self-mastery. Having control over the flesh.


The woman who answered this did well. Polygamy was looked at as more of a calling. People were not just running out and marrying as many wives as they could. I’m sure that wasn’t the case in every situation, but for the majority it was.

Honestly, I have always looked at it as part of the restoration of all things. There was a complete restoration in the last days of all things before Jesus Christ. Polygamy was something that some ancient prophets practiced. Even Abrama, Isaic, and Jacob. All of our blessings come through Abraham who was a polygamist.

  • Abraham – 1)Sarah Hagar 2) Keturah
  • Isaac – 1) Rebeckah
  • Jacob – 1) Leah 2) Rachel 3) Zilpah and 4) Bilhah

Ultimately what is the purpose? I don’t know. Rather, I do my best to remain faithful. We are commanded in the Book of Mormon to only have one wife and concubines we should have none.

Jacob 2:27 Wherefore, my brethren, hear me, and hearken to the word of the Lord: For there shall not any man among you have save it be one wife; and concubines he shall have none;

Yes, if you became a polygamist, you are very likely to be excommunicated.

FLDS Church

Yes, we are not connected to the FLDS Church.

This is not an easy answer. I do believe most of the “Plygamy” splinter groups broke off of the church in Utah, not in Nauvoo. Either way, it does not matter. There have been many groups who have become disenchanted for one reason or another. There have been many who have clung to one principle and formed a new denomination off of it. There have been many who felt the prophet fell, or stopped being the prophet.

How did you meet?

I met my wife in a singles ward also. Ha ha ha! That would be like meeting your wife at VBS for some Christians, or at youth church service.

There was some talk about the diversity of the couples at this dinner. In the past, I believe the LDS church was known as a white American religion. But it is no longer that and it was never intended to be that. It is a religion for all of God’s children on this earth, no matter their color or nationality. Today there are more members outside the US than inside the US.

Growing up in the church

I really liked how diverse the stories were, how they became members, how they came back to the church, and how they grew up in the church.

LDS people are not cookie-cutter families like some might think. They have the same trials and challenges as other people.

They are also not all big families. There has been the belief that all LDS families are big. But they are not all big. Some are big with 6, 7, or 8 kids; others are small with only 2, 3, or 4 kids.

These good people shared some great stories about living the faith.

[15:00] At some point, Peter asks if they are being too nice. Honestly, I can see any of my LDS neighbors being just as genuine in a discussion as these good people.

You can’t be in the middle

It’s kind of funny when we try to quote someone and don’t know the quote. We do our best and I don’t fault anyone for not knowing the actual quote.

One of the gentlemen brings up that in general conference one of the prophets or apostles gave a talk about the day coming when you couldn’t just be in the middle. You have to pick a side. I’m not sure what the quote is. But I have always believed the same thing. I will take some time to find the actual quote.

We are not a right or left church, we are a right or wrong church. It is either right or wrong.

God remembers the gentile and jew, all are alike unto God. Excellent.

We all have the light of Christ in us. Excellent.

You are a son of God. You are doing a good work.

If a cult is a group of like-minded people maybe we are a cult, call us what you want. I like that.

Introduction to our scriptures, along with some great explanation about differences, facts, witnesses, and an explanation of Jesus Christ’s church on earth. Then a brief explanation of the Dark Ages, the Reformation, and the First Vision.

How do you feel about the United States now, in 2023?

I think most LDS people would answer similarly. We love America and love what America represents. It is a land of promise. But we know the country is in decline. The erosion of morals and the abandonment of God will lead to the complete decline of America. The erosion of the nuclear family. Even still, it is the greatest country on earth and we are so blessed to have been born and raised as America’s. This country was founded on God.

That does not change the fact that we love America.

Do you have temptations?

A lot. I can’t even begin to tell you. However, it is all about self-mastery. Learning to control your appetites, passions, and desires. You want a drink. You choose not to drink. You want to smoke. You choose not to smoke. You want to look at porn. You choose not to look at porn.

Are we any different from other people? Other than we just choose not to succumb to our appetites and desires?

SIDE THOUGHT: People are pretty quick to point out that LDS people are judgemental and hypocritical. What they don’t understand is that Satan is trying to continually buffet the saints so they fall from grace. They don’t understand that the harder you try to be good, the more challenges you face. The more you are tempted. The more you are buffeted by the powers of darkness. As a result, if you are not careful, you will slip and fall. Or look as though you are not a good practicing Mormon. Or look as though you are a hypocrite.

Why do you think people who have left the church fight so hard against the church? They

Do LDS people feel under threat right now?

We are an easy target. We are not confrontational. We turn the other cheek.

Do we stay closed off?

We are opening up a lot more. We want the world to know there are no secrets. There have been more popular LDS figures.

Other religions put their trust in God’s Hands.

Yes, the LDS do that also.

You are all conservative members

He had expectations of the women all in dresses. He expected the garment thing to be an issue, not realizing they are hidden. The garments are an outward sign of an inward commitment. It’s no different than other religions wearing a hat, robe, cross, etc. It’s sacred and personal.

The garment is like putting on Christ. Putting on Jesus.

What do the LDS believe about the second coming?

This is one of those funny things. I don’t think we are fanatical to believe it will happen during our lifetime. Likewise, I don’t think it is far-fetched to believe it will happen in the next 10 years.

We do believe the second coming will happen. We are preparing for those events.


I loved the response about being in the bishipric. I was the executive secretary once. It was nice, I was able to witness how much time our bishiops spent supporting the ward. It is a lot of time. I likewise have no desire to be a bishiop. But, we serve where we are called. We do the best we can.

And, I agree. GoodPeter Santenello people being willing to talk about their faith is what helps us all learn.

Great video Peter Santenello

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