This website is about becoming worthy of Zion. I deviate periodically but I hope to address being worthy of Zion head-on with this post. I recently heard a quote by President Joseph F Smith.
But when shall I be prepared to go to Zion? Not while I have in my heart the love of this world more than the love of God. Not while I am possessed of that selfishness and greed that would induce me to cling to the world or my possessions in it, at the sacrifice of principles or truth. When I am ready to say, “Father all that I have, myself included, is Thine; my time, my substance, everything that I possess is on the alter, to be used freely, agreeable to Thy holy will, and not my will, but Thine, be done,” then perhaps I will be prepared to go and hope to redeem zion. – Joseph F Smith
I feel we are in a strange predicament right now; living in the world while trying to not be of the world. I am sure that prior to us entering Zion we will be stripped of all things. Those who are still attached to the world will not be able to release it. Their appetites and passions will still be centered on all the world has to offer, even if the world is broken. While those humble followers of God will give all they have and if it so be, leave all they have behind in order to follow God.
There is a song that I feel is a clarion call to set aside the world and rise to our potential. The song is “Rise Up, O Men of God.” Rise up and be done with lesser things. This is so powerful.
Rise up, O men of God!
Have done with lesser things;
Give heart and soul and mind and strength
To serve the King of kings.
Rise up, O men of God!
In one united throng;
Bring in the day of brotherhood
And end the night of wrong.
Rise up, O men of God!
Tread where his feet have trod;
As brothers of the Son of Man,
Rise up, O men of God!
Hopefully, you like I, have felt a stirring in your soul to be better. I don’t care how you say it:
- Wake Up!
- Prepare!
- Be worthy!
- Live holier!
- Receive Christ!
- Be ALL In!
- Consecrate all unto Christ.
What are the things in my life or in my home that are lesser than the things of God? I can rattle off a list that to some would feel extreme.
- Music (Inappropriate songs with sex, violence, hate)
- Movies (Channels I can’t filter)
- TV (Public stations are often as bad as some movies)
- Internet (Strong filters, passwords, etc)
This is a little personal, I have thought about cleaning my house and purging those things from my life and my home. I haven’t because my family would. I have a case of the fear of man. When in actuality, I should be using it as a teaching moment to lead my family.
There was a great talk by President Hinckley on the same topic. See below: