This was something very new to me. AnDraconic Ecliptic Year. Matt Jeppson brought it up and I was surprised it was even a thing. In his analysis, it appears there is another set of eclipses that make an X over the Middle East. Why are these significant?
What is a draconic year?
In summary, the draconic year is the time it takes for the Sun to complete one revolution with respect to the same lunar node. It is associated with eclipses and has an average duration of 346.620075883 days. []
What is a lunar node?
The lunar nodes are the two points where the Moon’s orbital path crosses the ecliptic, the Sun’s apparent yearly path on the celestial sphere. []
Up to three eclipses may occur during an eclipse season, a one- or two-month period that happens twice a year, around the time when the Sun is near the nodes of the Moon’s orbit.
What is an eclipse season?
As the Earth revolves around the Sun, approximate axial parallelism of the Moon’s orbital plane (tilted five degrees to the Earth’s orbital plane) results in the revolution of the lunar nodes relative to the Earth. This causes an eclipse season approximately every six months, in which a solar eclipse can occur at the new moon phase and a lunar eclipse can occur at the full moon phase. []

So, if you have an average year of 346 and 7 years pass, how many days is that? That totals 2422 days. Note: It is important to state that there is a slight discrepancy here. The decimal points add a few days to this. If you add the decimal points the total is 2,426.340531181. If you just assume it is 7 years… it is 7 years. But 7 years would be 2,555. Even that is wrong because of leap year; we have 365.25 days per year or 2,556.75 days over 7 years.

I think where this really starts to work is the dating between the next two eclipses There is another set of eclipses he talks about. This time they are centered over Egypt. One eclipse is on August 2, 2027, followed by a second eclipse on March 20, 2034
The eclipse on August 2, 2027, is 1211 days after the eclipse on April 8, 2024. (Assuming we drop the decimal points) This is half the time or 3.5 ecliptic year. This new eclipse over Egypt is followed by another eclipse crossing it, just as the two eclipses did over America. This second eclipse is on March 20, 2034, or another 2422 days.

In other words, both sets of eclipses mirror each other but on opposite ends of the earth. One centered over America and one centered over the Middle East. The eclipses over America are interesting. They cross the majority of LDS sites. The ones over the Middle East are interesting. They cross the Red Sea and one passes over Mecca. Why Mecca? I am unsure.
Why Mecca and Medina?
It happens that Mecca is the most holy city in Islam. It is where Muhammad was born. And Medina is the second most holy. It is where Muhammad died! Egypt, Mecca, and Medina are all symbolic of Israel’s enemies. – Each is the counterfeit of Jerusalem, where Jesus was buried and rose again. []
This person at has some pretty amazing analysis of the 2027 & 2034 eclipse and how all the Middle Eastern calendars align. I’m still unsure of the “Christian” or “LDS” perspective because they cross Muslim countries and sites. They are just short of fully crossing Israel. Maybe we will know as the date draws closer.
Either way, they are all children of Abraham, both Arab and Jew. As quoted here: The Lord promised Abraham all this land.
Genesis 15:18
18 In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates: