NYNYS Mission – September 19-30, 1996

September 19, 1996 (Thursday)
Wow, the day was interesting.   We worked for a while at lunch then worked and visited a member.  They fed us about an hour and a half later we had a dinner appointment and ate a lot again. Then taught someone and our last appointment, at Caesars. They fed us again.  I couldn’t take it.  Every bite was torture to me.  I turned to my comp.  We need to go.  Now!  I had to leave, I was going to blow at any moment.  When I stood up I knew it was going to happen.  I got my bag, but my comp wouldn’t hurry.  I stood by the door to the bathroom.  I said, “Boy, the food was good.”  They were like, “Right, that is why you’re green.”  I was like, “Honestly, I loved the food.”  Just then my stomach curled and I stepped into the bathroom.  I realized I wasn’t going to make it.  They were all looking at me.  Then all of a sudden as I was moving into the bathroom… blauuugh… my hand went up toward my mouth, but the food shot out of my mouth spewing all over the sink and mirror.  I was so embarrassed.   [Thinking to myself] I’m like, yeah, the food is good but I just didn’t have enough room for it.  


Even today, I remember the food shooting out of my mount.  The natural arch took it out of my mouth, following the curvature of the sink, in one side of the sink and out the other, up all over the mirror, wall, toilet, and floor.  I swear, I have never been more embarrassed than that.  Even know, I realize these people fed us out of their generosity and I spewed it all over their bathroom. No bueno.   


September 22, 1996 (Saturday)
[…] So we went over to a member’s home and they fed us and it ended up taking a long time, from 4 until 7 when we ate.  Wow, it was a long time. […]

September 23, 1996
[…] We made little cards and called them all (cards of all the members).  We did one wrong. It was way out of our area and they wanted us to come by so we went to the wrong place to find out we wrote it down wrong and it was in our area.  So on the way back we fearlessed a lady who was elect.  I felt we wrote that one number wrong so we would bump into her.  That day there.  

Then by flook (actually by the spirit) we stopped by a member’s home to get a number of another member.  They had a really cool guy at their home who stopped by just after we did.  Hermano Miranda left the room and I was all over him.  I had his name and number in my hands and he was all ya cool.  Hermano Miranda came in and I think was a little in shock by it all and stated saying he was a very good friend of the family and Hermana Miranda’s also crazy.  I thought it was so funny.  A perfect example of a member family who has prepared friends and are waiting for the perfect missionaries. […] what’s the chance of the elder stopping by 2 days in a row.  Not good.  […]

September 27, 1996 Friday
Well, things are going down to the wire. Transfers are coming up so we are all excited. We had a cool zone meeting with Bushwick and stuff.   […]  It’s funny. I went with my greenie [Elder].  I guess he’s on the special change the mission committee to correct the whole thing and turn us all into little angels.  I guess that’s what he was trying to do, recruit me. […]

September 28, 1996 Saturday
[…] We did a little tracking and taught a few charlas.  We taught a concert pianist from Ecuador. She got paid $10,000 a night to play piano […] She was like 60 years old.  Things are looking good to have 2 baptisms tomorrow.[…]

September 30, 1996
Calls came and I’m going to Dyker Heights with [Elder].  

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