Awesome Sauce

I was at Costco on Saturday and the lady’s serving samples were out in full force. We rounded one isle, there was a free sample station right in front of us. A lady was standing at the station with her back towards us. As we got closer, I became more curious to see what she was sampling. The first thing you need to know about me is that I am picky about some of the foods I eat. At the top of the list is sour cream and anything like unto it. No thank you, with an exclamation point! Well, she was offering some chips dipped in some type of dipping sauce. Instantly I was not interested.

As we walked up to the display, I looked at the title of the dipping sauce. Surprised, it was called a swear word that starts with a “B” sauce. Which was also a popular term for cool or totally awesome in the 80’s. Instantly I thought of something smart to ask the lady serving the samples. I asked, is it really “B” sauce? But saying the word. She replied, “It’s awesome sauce”. I said, “oh really.” With a big uncomfortable smile, she said, “I choose not to say the name. ”

Instantly I realized what a good woman she was. She didn’t want to service the sauce but did so with a smile because it was her job. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t going to hurt her or jeopardize her salvation. She made the best of a situation that was offensive to her. She modified the task to fit her personal moral standards.

I also realized; I was a punk and I have a long way to go. I had an opportunity to be a better person and I didn’t. If that were a subtle test, she won, and I lost. She demonstrated her desire to remain faithful and I turned a swear word into a joke. I think I demonstrated that I am still at the beginning of the path. I could do better being “worth of Zion”.

I commend her for her faithfulness and her obvious example. It made a difference to me.

Now, there are those who think saying a word like that is no big deal and makes no “eternal” difference. In fact, they may mock the idea that something so trivial is offensive. I beg to differ. I think the reward will be greater for those who have mastered themselves and control their language. I admit, when I had this experience, I felt some shame for my part. I feel the Holy Ghost was telling me I could be better, and this good woman was an example of goodness to me.

Think Celestial = It’s Awesome Sauce!

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