Card of Death

I was listening to a conversation about the fall while driving home from work yesterday. During the conversation they talked about the dialog between Eve and the Serpent. As they talked about phrase “You shall not surely die,” my mind flooded with memories of my past. I can’t 100% say this is the first time, but the inspiration felt new. It seems through a glimpse of enlightenment listening to this dialog, the story of my conversion took on a different layer. I had also received two messages about death. One had come from Satan and the other one was from God. I received both messages around the time of my conversion to Jesus Christ. And for what seemed to be the first time, I noticed the similarity to the story of Eve and the serpent in the garden of Eden.

Genesis 3:3-4
But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

As they were talking about the meaning of “death” a flood of memories all of a sudden filled my mind.

I had a group of friends I hung out and partied with. I’m not exactly sure how to describe the situation. When I reflect on this friend group the memories are dark and evil. There are some memories with these people I just can’t share. But, today one memory played out as I listened to this conversation about the fall.

There were occasionally the strangest visitors. It always perplexed me how the most random people would show up at this home. One day I met a woman who gave tarot card readings. We were waiting for some people to arrive before we left somewhere. While we waited, this woman told me she did tarot card readings and she offered to give me a free reading. Note, I had never had one in the past and have never had one since. I knew nothing about them aside from that they existed. I did not believe in God or the supernatural. I thought tarot cards and ouija boards were a game of manipulation by the participants.

I remember her asking me to draw 3 cards, which I did. It has been 30 years, so I don’t remember all the details. I remember she gave me the interpretation of the first two cards. When she turned over the third card she gasped. I remember asking her, “what?” I remember her telling me she had never had anyone draw that card and it was the card of death. It means that you are going to die or something about you is going to die, I remember her telling me.

Unknowingly, a few months later I would die. My old life died, and I was reborn in Christ. As I listened to the commentators discussing the serpent and the lie that “ye shall not surely die,” my experience played out in my mind. It was as though I heard the voice of the serpent through this tarot card reader telling me “Ye shall surely die.” As I thought about the messages of death, my mind was enlightened. I realized Satan was speaking to me and foretelling my death. I also realized in that moment like Mother Eve I had been told by both Satan and by God that I would die before my conversion. Had I not changed, I surely would have physically died.

As I was driving the realization of this parallel all of a sudden filled my mind. Why would it take 30 years to impress upon me? It does not matter.

I have felt the powers of darkness a few times in my life. They have given my soul a glimpse of the bitterness and darkness of Satan. And, I have seen the contrast between that evil and the happiness and light of God. But those experiences have also told me that Satan knows who I am. I do not claim to be anything other than an ordinary man with nothing that makes me stand out from any other. My purpose in life could simply be to stand and testify of God and nothing more. I have no other reason for me to think Satan should know me from any other one of Gods children. This does not make me special in any way.

Either way, I testify of God. That his happiness and light are in direct contrast to the darkness and bitterness of Satan. I have felt his love radiate through me. I have heard his voice and felt of his redeeming love. I know that it is Gods purpose to have us repent, be cleansed by the blood of his Son Jesus Christ, and return to him. I hope and pray that all truth seekers and honest followers of Christ will have their eyes open and that they will be able to decern the spiritual darkness from the light and choose to follow the light.

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