The people you know.

I have had the opportunity to know so many wonderful people in life. I have often admired their skills, their success, and their examples. There have been so many times I have wanted to praise them for who they are and thank them for their friendship or even if we are not well acquainted just for being who they are. When you look at a person, it is easy to judge, but it is far better to see the good inside. I have wanted to express the goodness I see to them but have often feared embarrassing myself. So, I have most often quietly expressed my gratitude for knowing them in my heart.

Today I’m going to take a minute and express my gratitude for a few people.

John is humble and kind. He has a quiet demeanor. When he speaks to you, you can feel the kindness in his voice. He really genuinely cares about others. I can’t see him ever judging or criticizing others, it’s not his nature. I remember when my father died, the experience was heavy upon my heart. I looked out my window to see John mowing my lawn. He had no reason to other than to express his own compassion by lightening my burden. John is a faithful follower of Jesus Christ. I’m sure he is willing to scream from the rooftops what he believes; but I see it in everything he does and everything around him. I am proud to call John my friend.

Jeff is one of the most brilliant people I know. He is involved in so many things, yet he effortlessly juggles and balances them while always being willing to do a little more. Jeff could be making a gazillion dollars a year working for any top company in the world, yet he chose to live a more simple and grounded life. He has time to spend with his wife and kids. I should say that he emphasizes spending time with his wife and kids. He has a zest for enjoying computers, movies, games, food, cars, and so many other things. Yet in all of this he is so incredibly humble and willing to give his time and abilities to serve others. I’m losing count how many times my family has been blessed being served by Jeff. I am proud to call Jeff my friend.

Scott… In any ordinary setting, I think Scott might be easily overlooked. I have a neighbor who everyone calls Superman because he looks and is built like Clark Kent (Henry Cavill). That isn’t Scott. Do you know what Scott is? Scott is a friend to everyone. He is the first to introduce himself, to help, to check in on you and to say hello. I have never heard Scott speak ill of anyone or anything. I remember when I first moved into my neighborhood. Scott was one of the first people I met. It wasn’t because of me; it was because of Scott. He genuinely wanted to get to know me. I am proud to call Scott my friend.

Adam… I absolutely love Adam. He is one of the best people I know. I watched Adam pass through the refiner’s fire and come out victorious. Adam is an artist and his craft is to speak through film. I remember having a conversation with him one day where he was expressing his sincere desire to capture on film that moment in which someone received the gift of the Holy Ghost. He asked if it was truly possible to see the lights come on where blindness turn to sign as someone felt the Holy Ghost that very first time. He is a master at his craft and his heart is fixed on doing good. I remember realizing once that he is like an LDS JJ Abrams. I remember telling him that and asking why he didn’t do the same thing as JJ. I don’t remember exactly how he replied but he expressed wanting something more out of life. It reminded me of Abraham knowing there was more and desiring the blessings of the fathers.

My wife and I were at a very low point in our lives. A young married couple unable to children. We had done In Vetro three times, and it only worked the first time. By the last, we knew it would never work again. Adam and his wife were in a fairly similar circumstance and encouraged us to attend a foster care class with them. After some thought and reluctance, we decided to attend with them. Not too long after the class a call came in that there was a child we could foster to adopt. I’m not sure why but a similar call never came in to Adam and his wife. My heart ached for them and the trials that led to. I will never cease to bless and praise them for the path they guided us to.

A few years down the road Adam was called as Bishiop in our ward and I was his Executive Secretary. I was so excited I wanted to jump up and scream “Harrah for Israel!” in sacrament meeting. I knew Adam was going to be called as the bishop. It wasn’t that Adam needed the calling, I think God needed him because he had the compassion and love of the Savior. I will forever call Adam my friend.

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