NYNYS Mission August 12-24, 1996

August 12, 1996 (Monday)

Well along with many blessings comes humbling.  I have the runs again.  I had them bad for 3 days now.  We just finished eating at a member’s house and had to hurry to a baptism.  We were walking towards his house, I was with [Elder], my comp was with [Elder] at his house. We were 3 blocks from his home and it hit me.  I had to go like lightning. All there were were buildings and fences. I ran up to a house and beat on the door.  They didn’t come so I ran up to the other, nothing.  I couldn’t hold it any longer.  I was humiliated.  Well, life goes on.  I just hope my accident doesn’t ruin me by becoming part of the grapevine [gossip].  So, I ran home so nobody would see and took a shower then we hurried to the church.  The baptism was so cool.  

Tues – I forgot

August 14, 1996 (Wednesday)

Gisela came down from Patchogue that was cool.  We had a good time. We went to Coney Island.  Woopie.  It was so boring we got there and it was like well, what are we doing here? So we went up to Bushwick to Rockies to get a hero and tried to go around Bed-Stuy to avoid problems. It was cool.  Anyhow the sandwiches were good.  We had no problems.  

I met another lady who didn’t get baptized when the elders taught for one reason or another. She knows she was being tried through the refiner fire the fire that softens hard hearts.  […]

August 17, 1996 (Saturday)

We taught this girl and in the process, she told us she had had a dream.  Her dad had died when she was 9 and she never dreamed about him.  The week before we got there she dreamed that her dad was in the water and then came out of the water then she was in the water but when I interrupted the dream it didn’t go over well. Of course, the dream was all about baptism.  

August 18, 1996

We went to the church today there was a kid who said he goes to church all the time with a member family, so he came today.  We […] taught him and he said he would get baptized.  We’ve been running into a lot of trouble with the branch so I made sure he met one of the branch presidency.  Oh ya, baby, and so things are well.  

August 19, 1996

Well, mission conference. Brailey broke a 300 record. […]  

August 25, 1996

If you can believe it, it’s already Sunday the 25th.  I forgot to write. 

August 20, 1996

I can’t remember what happened. 

August 21, 1996

We baptized. 

It was P-Day. We chilled all day then went down for our baptism.  When we got there the member had left and we waited for him.  He was going to do the baptism but had to run up to the New Church first so we were there [waiting] with the boys.  When he came back he said no baptism.  The branch president said no.  We were like what?  Then my comp goes no he’s prepared (he was in his whites) […] so we just baptized him. The member is the branch secretary.  […] Oh ya, the president is pissed at us, bad.  The branch president, not the mission. 

Thursday 22, 1996 ?

Friday 23, 1996

We played volleyball for zone meeting today.  […]

August 24, 1996 Saturday

[…] Well, last night I couldn’t sleep.  My mind was harrowed up by my past and so I was laying there and I remembered hearing “sing 3 hymns that will get rid of anything” so I did the first was hard.  The sconed easier.  By the third, I felt peace fall over me.  It was nice. I fell asleep easily after that.   

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