REVIEW – Ezra’s Eagle & Israel-Hamas War Update

I listened to this video by Michael B Rush today about Esdras Eagle and basically whether or not the Hamas War was tied to the Abomination of Desolations. It isn’t. The abomination of Desolations will be far worse. It looks like Michael Rush agrees. Or the other way around, I agree with him. Whatever.

I found this very exciting because I feel as though I have gone through the Esdras Eagle prophecy thoroughly, but even though I don’t know all things there are a few things that seem very obvious. I was mentioning this someone the other day. There are 6 feathers. One is clearly Trump and One is clearly Biden.

25 And I looked, and behold, these little wings planned to set themselves up and hold the rule.
26 And I looked, and behold, one was set up, but suddenly disappeared.
27 a second also, and this disappeared more quickly than the first.
28 And I looked, and behold, the two that remained were planning between themselves to reign together.
29 and while they were planning, behold, one of the heads that were at rest (the one which was in the middle) awoke; for it was greater than the other two heads.
30 And I saw how it allied the two heads with itself,
31 and behold, the head turned with those that were with it, and it devoured the two little wings which were planning to reign.
32 Moreover this head gained control of the whole earth, and with much oppression dominated its inhabitants, and it had greater power over the world than all the wings that had gone before.

It is pretty clear that after Biden, there will be two who want to reign, and they will be stopped. What does this mean? It means that if this prophecy is correct, we will not have a new president on January 25, 2025

What I found really interesting about this discussion by Michael Rush, was the appearance of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the scene. Now, there are those in the Q circles who have felt that John F Kennedy Jr would come back from the dead and run for president. The history of the Kennedy’s is interesting. John F Kennedy being assassinated. Then presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy was also killed. Now you have Robert F Kennedy Jr the son of Robert F Kennedy in the hunt for the presidential nomination.

The democrats seem intent on Biden wining again and the Republicans seem intent on Trump winning. No other candidate seems to have a chance at this point. Then rolls in Robert F Kennedy Jr. He whose family has had constant political turmoil. He will split the vote by running third party as an independent. I thought would that benefit the left, the right or the Kennedy’s. I’m not sure. It seems some on the Right like him, so do some on the left. Listening to him, he seems more like a JFK democrat.

I have no prediction other than it is interesting.

We will see. This is one year from now.

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