All you need to do is pick the winners.

I was in Sunday School a few weeks ago and the teacher showed us a picture of the Greys Sports Almanac from Back to the Future. He asked the class if anyone knew what it was. Of course, there were a few people who knew what it was immediately. The movie is a classic.

If you are unaware, Marty travels into the future by way of a Delorian. When in the future he sees the sports almanac and realizes it could change his future. The almanac is stolen and by Biff and the future is changed. Then Marty and Doc set out to fix the changes.

In the lesson, the teacher made the statement that old Biff made to young Biff; “All I have to do is bet on a winner.”

The purpose of lesson was to draw the comparison to the gospel. Interestingly, in the end, we know who the winner will be. The winner will be God. He created a plan, he put all the pieces together, it has been playing out for 6000 years. Now we are in the final inning and no matter how the game looks, God will win. Now matter how bad he seems to be losing, God will win! Like the games in the Greys Sports Almanac what may seem like a hail Mary to win the game will be Gods power being manifest.

Some years ago, I worked at Seagull Book and Deseret Book as a store manager. I immersed myself in my work and the products I was selling. I became hooked on books and talks on tape. I listened to just about everything produced. One of my favorites where the talks by a guy named Troy Dunn. He had a way of looking at the world while both making his perspectives funny and spiritual.

He released a talk called “Life is Like a Football Game”. It talks about this very topic. The winners and losers. The struggle of the game. We are all going to have to pick a side. Why not pick the side that will win.

This discussion to “bet on the winner” is much like choosing to follow God because you know he is the one that will win. You place all your bets with him. There is no risk. He will win.

That is the team I am on. I hope you join us.

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