Sacrament Prayer

I had the rare experience of blessing the sacrament with the priests a few weeks back.   They ask people to help occasionally when there are not enough priests present.  Even then, there are so many active members I think it has been 10 years since I was involved with blessing the sacrament.

 So, what was my takeaway?  Honestly, my thoughts the whole time were, wash your hands, then don’t touch your face the whole time so your hands stay clean.  Ha ha ha.  

I didn’t really think about anything else until I was standing watching the young man beside me kneel and offer the prayer for the water.  I watched this young priest. I know this young man. I have watched him grow up the last 7 years in this neighborhood.  I know his family.  I know his character.   I stood watching, looking down at him. I had the perfect angle to see his every action. I watched as he carefully ran his finger along the text to ensure he kept his place and spoke each word carefully. 

As I watched him, I was filled with the Holy Spirit. I could see he is a very good young man.  He was diligently trying to live as our Savior Jesus Christ has asked. And, I was filled with hope. 

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