A Candle Dream 


I dreamt I was interviewing for a job.  I showed up for the job interview to a fancy tech office. Still relatively small, only a few people worked there but nice and modern.  

I was interviewing or had just started with a guy when he needed to step out for some reason.  I stood and started walking looking around.  I came across the weird candle.  It was like a short tapered vase with lots of sticks coming out the top, then a big match head on top.  It was almost like they took half a box of matches and combined them as one big match head.  Stuffed them inside a funny shaped candle vase.

Then the guy walked up and started talking about how successful someone, a lady, has been with that candle.  My first impression was she was homemade them. My second impression was, you built this whole nice office by selling a handmade candle with big funny match head. 

As we stood in a common area talking there was a door ajar, I glanced in and there appears to be a boss of some time busily working.  We were talking about me taking a call into the office and we joked somewhat about calling him.  

About this time I woke up. 

So the job selling the funny candles with the big match tops. It’s pretty easy to draw a relationship to Let your light so shine.  Or not hiding your candle under a bushel.  But this cancel as odd as it is would catch the bush on fire.  It would likely also be seen for miles.  I felt it would have more of a flare effect than a candle. But our days are different than days of old.  

Anyhow, my dream ended before I took the job.

I told my wife about the odd dream. As I explained it reminded me of that Steve Carell movie where he plays Noah, Evan Almighty. If you were going to live through a cycle of experiencing a bible story, would it look at feel like the scriptures or take on its own unique expression. If you haven’t ever seen this movie, it is worth watching. There is some fun lighthearted humor. A guy who was just elected to be a senator moves his family to DC. He was elected to “change the world” so God shows up and has him build an ark. Evan doesn’t want to do it, but God continues to nudge him until he cooperates. Anyhow, it was an odd telling of the story of Noah mixed with modern times, events, and conditions.

As I thought about the candle and realize a candle today would be much different than a candle way back when. I was listening to a program where they were talking about how it the old days loud noises like a trumpet, or lion were the loudest sounds you could make. They were sounds that ushered in strong and might greatness. Today there are things much louder than that.

If God showed me a candle today to hold on a hill, would it be a small candle or a flare, or a million-candlelight spotlight? And if it is that God is asking me in some odd mysterious way to let my light shine, of course I would do it.

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