How did I do this week? November 22, 2023

Honestly, I have done very well.

I have a broken pelvis from a bike accident when I was in my early 20’s. I have increasingly been less and less active over the last five years as a result of increase pain and lack of mobility with that leg. After consulting with a few doctors, I have determined I need total hip replacement. Not a big deal these days. But I need to lose some weight and get myself healthier to do this.

Around the first of October I decided to commit myself to weight loss and the best idea I could come up with was intermittent fasting. I also knew I could not do this without God’s help. I love eating. I’m always hungry. I knew the best way to cut calories was to not eat. So, I started fasting a few days a week as I went to work. I prayed like crazy that God would give me strength. I have probably averaged fasting 3 to 4 days a week since the beginning of October, maybe 30 times in the last two months. As the weeks have gone along the fasting has become a welcome routine practice.

  • Start with a prayer that God will give me strength and that I will lose some weight
  • Periodically pray throughout the day
  • Fast from 10 to 12 PM until 5 to 6 PM the following day
  • I have a 4 to 7 hour window to eat
  • I have a window of 17 to 20 hours fasting
  • No Soda, less sugars, less fried foods, less fast food

The first few weeks were very difficult. I was tied and lethargic due to a lack of strength and energy. But I persisted knowing I needed to commit to this and follow through. In the first month, I lost almost 20 pounds. During the second month I am on track to lose maybe 15 pounds more. I would consider it very successful thus far.

By the end of October, I started to notice my health improving. I had been on a steady regiment of ibuprofen for years to deal with arthritis I have on all my fingers on both hands. I completely stopped taking ibuprofen. My hands still hurt but I do not have the excruciating stabbing pain which was likely due to inflammation from a poor diet.

Spiritually I have felt as though I am on a high. I have felt the Holy Ghost with me abundantly. I haven’t received any mind-blowing revelation. But my faith has been firm and I have felt the strength of the Lord. My goal is to continue this for now through January or February when I get the surgery. I hope to lose an additional 20 to 30 pounds by then. That would be a total of 50 to 60 pounds lost.

Honestly, I have God to thank. Had he not given me strength, I would not have made it this far.

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