Hello Saints Review by Stand Firm Saints

I recently came across a video by Stand Firm Saints with a pretty solid stance against Hello Saints. If you have read any of my posts you will know I really like Hello Saints, but I am also critical of some of the content. His teachings and perspective confirm to me that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church.

As I watched this video and saw some of the subtle details pastor Jeff has put into his program, I could only agree with much of what Stand Firm Saints said.

  • Pastor Jeff really probably honestly feels he is doing the right thing.
  • Pastor Jeff is building a flock or ministry on Latter Day Saints
  • Pastor Jeff’s real intent it most likely to help the LDS see the errors of their way

He does make subtle digs at the church in a non-confrontational way. His phrase fighting criticism with curiosity does come with criticism. It’s just done through thoughtful analysis. Sewing little seeds here are there. Now, some of this is what I would expect from a scholar doing thoughtful analysis. But, still the same, it is intent on sowing seeds of doubt. I’m thinking of his analysis of the Book of Mormon for example.

I remember the woman who he put on his channel that was combative, trying to entrap the missionaries. It didn’t even phase him. But there was enough backlash he removed the video. You could tell in his response that he still felt the woman was in the right and we as Saints would benefit from listening and learning from her. Honestly, she was appalling.

Now, is there a place for Pastor Jeff. Sure. I actually really love what he says, and it has taught me a lot about his religion. He has increased my knowledge. But I am sure there are the weak looking for someone to teach them who may be led astray. This part is unfortunate.

We cannot avoid every opinion that differs from ours. In fact, we are better and stronger when we learn to live with people who think differently than us. It does not mean we must consume their point of view, but we love them as children of God and our brothers and sisters. As I listened to this video, I thought about the guys I work with. I’ve sat outside talking to them as they smoked their cigarettes. I’ve been to visit them at their homes. I supported them and assisted them with their jobs. We have worked side by side. I’ve had friendly discussions about life and religion. We don’t agree with each other. But we respect each other and our differences.

It may be that Pastor Jeff is one who will sift the wheat from the tares. We know that in the last days even the mighty will fall or be deceived. Whether it is Pastor Jeff, or some other that come with the intent to entice the saints to follow them, we must remember. Do the things that will strengthen you in the gospel; read our scriptures, pray, and follow the prophet.

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