NYNYS Mission June 23-25, 1996

Some more mission stories from the NYNYS Mission.

June 23, 1996

Church was cool today. I’m getting so sick of Jamaica […] Jamaica was nice but will be nicer when I leave. We’ve got a member kid living with us. He’s 14 and lives in the South Jamaica Houses. He’s taking [Elder’s] spot for 3 days. He is really cool. Last night in his prayer he told God that all the people who aren’t nice to us know they’re going to Hell. It was just kinda funny, the things he says, his homie accent, and slang, […]

[…] I’m so tired all the time. […] The arches on my feet hurt and I feel like pins are in them all day. I often feel like I have zero energy but somehow I keep walking. I haven’t been able to get up at 5:30 for 2 weeks now so I’m getting up at 6:30 for a little while […]. Then I will change back again. I just need this tiredness to go away. […]

June 24, 1996

Wow, we tried so hard to find new people today, all day long going and going, trying and trying, praying and praying. To start, when we left, we prayed and asked God to put prepared people [in our way] with white hats. Spanish people don’t wear white hats they’d get dirty. So about halfway through the day, we saw maybe 3-4 people with white hats on. But then we saw one more next to Mannuel’s home. He sucked but he was chillin’ with 4 other people and one of the people was way cool. He has very good potential. [His name is] Luiz.

We Spirit tracted all day. We had fun doing it and got a few decent referrals. We went to look up a friend of a member we had met (she wasn’t good) then the spirit reminded me of a lady we (Elder and I) tracked out and never taught. I remember her so we were on the hunt. I thought we were in the right building but no. We went to the door I thought was hers and nope it wasn’t, but it was a way cool lady and we thought her. So, we went to the next door to building two, the buildings were connected to each other and very similar. On the stoop we fearlessed a very cool Peruvian girl. I’m excited to teach her. We tried the third floor for Carmen, nope. Then we tried the second, nope. I didn’t think it would be on the 4th floor. Something told me to try so up we went and she was there. She did not want us to teach her but she let us in and she ended up being taught. You know how it is, they can’t resist us.

This is the lady we were never able to teach long ago. 3 months ago. Anyhow, she’s interesting. She couldn’t have children and drank a lot, smoked a lot, and did a lot of cocaine. One day she prayed to God and told him if she could have a child, she would quit all that stuff. 2 weeks later she was pregnant. We happened to come by the first time just after she had the baby. Now she is a lot more comfortable with it. This is a very good time for her to get baptized.


June 25, 1996

Well, the day was OK. We went on splits with the sisters, well not actually on splits but all of the missionaries in the zone came into their area. I didn’t feel we should do media referrals, so we just walked around and we taught 3 discussions in 1 ½ hours by going up to doors that were open. It was cool. I was on a split with [Elder] and he loved it. We did more than everyone else. […]

I have now been on my mission for 11 months.

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