NYNYS Mission June 12-16, 1996

June 12, 1996
Self-righteous what? Where are you? [You’re on a mission] Things [that] remind us of what we need to do to be blessed [are not self-righteous.] Some missionaries are prideful, and they call those who try to do their best self-righteous. […] I’ve noticed Nephi in my reading was so humble. He didn’t want to be that way to his brothers. But God commanded him and he followed. They thought he was self-righteous.

June 13, 1996
I got my hair cut today by a Russian man. When he finished, he took a vibrator that was strapped to his hand and vibrated my whole head. It felt so good I could do was smile.

We found out by one of our inactive members who gave us the references for Fransisco. She let the Jehovah’s Witnesses come over and […] they gave her a copy of the article against our church they printed. […] And she and Francisco read it. I kind of scared us because he’s so new and fragile. My comp got way pissed […]

June 14, 1996
Zone meeting, but we had a 9 o’clock before that was good. […] Zone meeting was good. Riding the bikes was cool too. […] I sweat bad. We had a street meeting today also that was not as successful as I had hoped for but were going to do another next week.

I was so beat today so tired my body and soul felt like they were at the point of doom.

I’m trying to go on [an] obedience kick I don’t know why but I wish to be how I was [back home.] [But some missionaries think,] if you’re too righteous you’re not good. You’re a self-righteous piece of dirt […] Other missionaries tell me, “I don’t know if I really believe it but they say I know how to lead people.” […] I guess they still need to find their testimonies.

June 16, 1996
Yesterday [we went to a] wedding then this morning we found out Hermana Montiney husband didn’t like us taking his smokes the other day. I remember sitting in their home and having a feeling my comp had worked her enough and I told him we should leave but he looked at me angrily and we stayed another half hour to work him over to quit smoking. […]

We went over to Manuel’s home after church and his family was having a big party. So we chilled with all the drunks, drinking their beers while we drank our soda. […] We watched the Bulls play and win the NBA finals.

So we are walking home at 10:30 and some guy with his friends starts talking shmack. So what do the missionaries do? The same. The guy says, “Hey white boys. I got a gun” The missionaries say, “so.” The guy says, “You want to fight?” The elders say, “We’re here.” Then, “we’re still standing.” The guys say, “Come on you_____ _____ ____ ____ ___ Chicken _____ _____ ___ ____ ___ White ____ ____ ____ ____”

I got pissed. [These missionaries] are all a lot smarter than me […] but it sure doesn’t seem like it. They are trying to pick a fight, and everyone knows who the white boys are in the neck of the woods. We’re the only ones.

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