General Conference – October 2023 Evening Session

Gary B Sabin – of the Seventy – Professor of happiness. Building upon the gospel of Jesus Christ is the sure foundation.

What if our sins had an odor.

Gang Tattoo on the back of the head.

Maintain an eternal perspective.

You will never be happier than you are grateful. Appreciate your blessings.

I may need to listen to this one again.

Joni l Koch – of the Seventy – Are you ready to die? Are you sufficiently humble? The natural man is alive within us. He was locked out of the company. The guard was not going to let him in without a company ID.

In a taxi going to an airport to solve a difficult situation. The taxi driver said I can see you are not well. You have a very negative spirit about you. Have you thought about leaving this in God’s hands.

Be thou humble.

To be worthy of Zion, be humble. Never say do you know who you are talking to.

Tamera W Runia – YW General Presidency – Look through an eternal lens.

Earth feels like an isolated island. See the big picture.

Have an eye of faith. The Savior has the ability to turn any nightmare into something good. I think that is what she said.

There is something special about her talk. I need to go listen when my mind isn’t so worn out. This talk about rescuing kids, enduring to the end is important. The loving gravitational pull.

Ulisses Soares – Quorum of the Twelve Apostles – Abandon attitudes of prejudice. Have respect for all of God’s children.

There were not any ‘ites. They were all equal. Interestingly, I guess the Book of Mormon is all about racism. The Nephites hating the Lamanites and visa versa. Once they were dark skin and light skin even more so. When one was determined to be industrious and one was determined to be lazy and loathful, even more so. There was great prejudice amongst them.

She is my sister; he is my brother.

To be worthy of Zion, abolish prejudice and racism from my heart. Always remember she is my sister, he is my brother.

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